Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Requirements |
ProviderName |
FileStream | The FileStream parameter can't be used in the Exchange Management Shell. It's used to support the app uploader and is only used by the Exchange admin center. |
MarketplaceQueryMarket | The MarketplaceQueryMarket parameter specifies the locale that an app is filed under at the office marketplace. For example, an app for the United States market in English uses the value en-US. If not specified, this value is set to en-US. |
Etoken | This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. |
MarketplaceServicesUrl | The MarketplaceServicesUrl parameter specifies the full services URL for the app. You must specify only one source location for the app manifest file. You can specify the app manifest file by using the MarketplaceServicesUrl, Url, or FileData parameter. |
Scope |
Type |
LicenseType |
Description |
PSShowComputerName |
PSComputerName |
Mailbox | The Mailbox parameter specifies the identity of the mailbox or mail user. You can use the following values: GUID Distinguished name (DN) Domain\Account User principal name (UPN) Legacy Exchange DN SMTP address Alias |
UserList | The UserList parameter specifies the list of users that are granted access to the organizational app. Use the UserList parameter to specify the users that you want to use the app.You must use the OrganizationApp parameter when you use this parameter. You can use the following values: GUID DN Domain\account UPN Legacy Exchange DN SMTP address Alias |
AppStatus |
ManifestXml |
FileData | The FileData parameter specifies the location of the app manifest file. You must specify only one source location for the app manifest file. You can specify the app manifest file by using the MarketplaceServicesUrl, Url, or FileData parameter. If you use this parameter, use the Get-Content cmdlet and this cmdlet together as shown in the example. |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the GUID of the app. |
SeatsPurchased |
Url | The Url parameter specifies the full URL location of the app manifest file you want to install. You must specify only one source location for the app manifest file. You can specify the app manifest file by using the MarketplaceServicesUrl, Url, or FileData parameter. |
Enabled | The Enabled parameter specifies whether the app is made available to users in the organization. By default, this is set to $true. This setting overrides the ProvidedTo, UserList, and DefaultStateForUser settings.This setting doesn't prevent users from installing their own instance of the app if the user has install permissions. This parameter may be set to the following values: $true The app is enabled for the specified users in the organization. This makes the app available for the specified users. $false The app isn't enabled for any users in the organization. This hides the app from all users in the organization. |
MarketplaceContentMarket |
AppVersion |
LicensePurchaser |
MarketplaceAssetID | The MarketplaceAssetID parameter specifies the office store identifier for the app. This parameter is required if the MarketplaceServicesUrl parameter is specified. |
EtokenExpirationDate |
OrganizationApp | The OrganizationApp parameter specifies the apps that are installed for the organization (not bound to a specific user). This is set to $false by default. |
DomainController | This parameter is available only in on-premises Exchange 2013. The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory. |
DefaultStateForUser | The DefaultStateForUser parameter specifies the default initial state of the organization app for the provided users. This parameter is set to Disabled by default. If set to AlwaysEnabled, users can't disable the app for themselves. You must use the OrganizationApp parameter when you use this parameter. The possible values are: Enabled Disabled AlwaysEnabled |
MailboxOwnerId |
IsValid |
DownloadOnly | The DownloadOnly switch specifies whether to get the app manifest file and prompt the user for confirmation before committing to actual installation. This is set to $false by default. If the DownloadOnly parameter is set to $true, the cmdlet only downloads the app manifest file (and displays the app properties) without installing the app. |
IconURL |
DisplayName |
ObjectState |
ProvidedTo | The ProvidedTo parameter specifies the availability of an app in your organization. By default, new apps are available to all users in your organization. You must use the OrganizationApp parameter when you use this parameter. The following are the possible values: Everyone This app is provided to every user in the organization. Every user sees this app listed in the installed apps list in Outlook Web App Options. When apps in the installed apps list display as enabled, users can use the features of this app in their email. All users are blocked from installing their own instances of this app, including but not limited to users with install apps permissions. SpecificUsers This app is provided to only the users specified using the UserList parameter. Users that aren't specified don't see this organizational app in their management view, nor will it activate in their mail or calendar items. Specified users are also blocked from installing their own instance of this app. Users that aren't listed aren't blocked from installing their own instance of this app. |
AppId |
RunspaceId |