Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SourceRoutingGroup |
WhenCreatedUTC |
OrganizationId |
DeliveryProtocol * | The DeliveryProtocol parameter specifies the communication protocol that determines which delivery agents are responsible for servicing the connector. |
AdminDisplayName |
WhenChanged |
PSShowComputerName |
WhenChangedUTC |
ObjectClass |
PSComputerName |
IsSmtpConnector |
ConnectedDomains |
Identity | The Identity parameter specifies the GUID or name of the delivery agent connector. |
DistinguishedName |
IsScopedConnector | The IsScopedConnector parameter specifies the availability of the connector to other Mailbox servers. If the value of this parameter is $false, the connector can be used by all Mailbox servers in your organization. If the value of this parameter is $true, the connector can only be used by Mailbox servers in the same Active Directory site. The default value is $false. |
OriginatingServer |
Name * | The Name parameter specifies the name of this delivery agent connector. The value for the Name parameter can't exceed 64 characters. |
AddressSpaces | The AddessSpaces parameter specifies the domain names for which this delivery agent connector is responsible. The syntax for entering an address space is as follows: <AddressSpaceType>:<AddressSpace>;<AddressSpaceCost>. You must enclose each address space in quotation marks ("). |
Enabled | The Enabled parameter specifies whether the delivery agent connector is enabled. The default value is $true. |
MaxMessageSize | The MaxMessageSize parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that's allowed to pass through this connector. When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of the following units: B (bytes) KB (kilobytes) MB (megabytes) GB (gigabytes) Unqualified values are treated as bytes. The valid input range for this parameter is from 65536 through 2147483647 bytes. The default value is unlimited. |
WhenCreated |
MaxConcurrentConnections | The MaxConcurrentConnections parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections this connector accepts from a specific IP address. The default value is 5. |
ExchangeVersion |
Comment | The Comment parameter specifies an optional comment. If you specify a value that contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("), for example: "This is an admin note". |
HomeMtaServerId |
DomainController | The DomainController parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory. |
ObjectCategory |
HomeMTA |
IsValid |
MaxMessagesPerConnection | The MaxMessagesPerConnection parameter specifies the maximum number of messages this connector accepts per connection. The connector terminates the connection after this limit is reached, and the sending server has to initiate a new connection to send more messages. The default value is 20. |
SourceTransportServers | The SourceTransportServers parameter specifies the list of Mailbox servers that host this connector. You can specify more than one server by separating their names with commas. By default, only the local server on which the command is executed is added to this parameter. |
ObjectState |
RunspaceId |
Guid |