Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Protocol * | Protocol option is read-only,except when creating a device. |
Always Use Prime Line For Voice Message | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: On—If the phone is idle, the primary line on the phone becomes the active line for retrieving voice messages when the phone user presses the Messages button on the phone. Off—If the phone is idle, pressing the Messages button on the phone automatically dials the voice-messaging system from the line that has a voice message. Cisco Unified Communications Manager always selects the first line that has a voice message. If no line has a voice message, the primary line gets used when the phone user presses the Messages button. Default— Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
Lines |
Line | An XLine is an entry in the DeviceNumPlanMap table. The actual directory number is referenced inside the XLine object by the "dirn" or "dirnId" element. |
Display Ascii |
Associated Endusers |
Enduser |
User Id * |
Ring Setting | Default: Ring |
Consecutive Ring Setting | Consecutive Rings Setting. Replaces the consective ring setting on IPPhone. Default: Use System Default |
Recording Profile Name |
Index |
Ring Setting Active Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Link To Line | Link to the line resource |
Label |
Recording Media Source | Default: Gateway Preferred |
Max Num Calls | Default: 2 |
Partition Usage | This tag cannot be modified. It can only be specified in the add request. Default: General |
Recording Flag | Default: Call Recording Disabled |
Speed Dial |
Monitoring Css Name |
E164Mask |
Missed Call Logging | Default: True |
Call Info Display |
Dialed Number | Default: True |
Redirected Number |
Caller Name | Default: True |
Caller Number |
Dirn | Only uuid attribute is returned in response |
Inventory Filter | Default: default |
Pattern * |
Route Partition Name * |
Mwl Policy | Default: Use System Policy |
Ring Setting Idle Pickup Alert | Applicable only for IP Phones Default: Use System Default |
Busy Trigger | Default: 1 |
Audible Mwi | Not applicable for gatewayEndpointAnalogAccess and CiscoCatalyst600024PortFXSGateway Default: Default |
Display |
Vendor Config |
Always Use Prime Line | From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following options: Off—When the phone is idle and receives a call on any line, the phone user answers the call from the line on which the call is received. On—When the phone is idle (off hook) and receives a call on any line, the primary line gets chosen for the call. Calls on other lines continue to ring, and the phone user must select those other lines to answer these calls. Default— Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the configuration from the Always Use Prime Line service parameter, which supports the Cisco CallManager service. Default: Default |
User Hold MOH Audio Source | To specify the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action, choose an audio source from the User Hold MOH Audio Source drop-down list box. If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID. Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source Configuration window. For access, choose Media Resources > Music On Hold Audio Source. |
Phone Button Template * | From the Phone Button Template drop-down list, choose a phone button template. Tip If you want to configure BLF/SpeedDials for the profile for presence monitoring, choose a phone button template that you configured for BLF/SpeedDials. After you save the configuration, the Add a New BLF SD link displays in the Association Information pane. For more information on BLF/SpeedDials, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |
Blf Directed Call Parks |
Blf Directed Call Park |
Index |
Label |
Directed Call Park Dn And Partition |
Route Partition Name |
Dn Pattern * |
MLPP Preemption | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Preemption setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device that can preempt calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options: Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP preemption setting from the device pool of the associated device. Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher precedence calls. Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Default: Default |
Add On Modules | Additional modules attached to the Phone.There can be 0,1 or 2. |
Add On Module |
Load Information * | Load Information is either the module's specific load information or the default load information.If any special load information is specified, the special attribute is set to TRUE. Otherwise, the load information is the default for the product. |
Model * | Model ID string. Default: 7914 14-Button Line Expansion Module |
Module2 | Choose the appropriate expansion module or None. |
Single Button Barge | From the drop-down list box, choose from the following options: Off—This device does not allow users to use the Single Button Barge/cBarge feature. Barge—Choosing this option allows users to press the Single Button Barge shared-line button on the phone to barge into a call using Barge. Default—This device inherits the Single Button Barge/cBarge setting from the service parameter and device pool settings. Note If the server parameter and device pool settings are different, the device will inherit the setting from the service parameter setting. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. Default: Default |
Feature Control Policy | This tag is valid only for RT Phones. |
MLPP Indication | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Indication setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device that can play precedence tones will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call. From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options: Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP indication setting from the device pool of the associated device. Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call. On—This device profile does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call. Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful. Default: Off |
Busy Lamp Fields |
Busy Lamp Field |
Index |
Blf Dest | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Call Pickup |
Label |
Route Partition |
Blf Dirn | Either blfDest or the combination of blfDirn and routePartition is to be mentioned in the add/update request, if both are mentioned AXL will read only the blfDest tag and ignore blfDirn and routePartition. |
Type | Device profile Type string. Read Only |
Product * | Product ID string. read-only except when creating a device. |
Description | Enter a description of the device profile. For text, use anything that describes this particular user device profile. |
Trace Flag |
Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) | To configure call display restrictions and ignore any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls, check the "Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only)" check box. Tip Use this configuration in combination with the calling line ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. For more information about call display restrictions, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |
User Locale | From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information, including language and font, to support users. Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only for phone models that support localization. Note If no user locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the user locale that is associated with the device pool. Note If the users require information to display (on the phone) in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before configuring user locale. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation. |
Join Across Lines | From the drop-down list box, choose from the following options: Off—This device does not allow users to use the Join Across Lines feature. On—This device allows users to join calls across multiple lines. Default—This device inherits the Join Across Lines setting from the service parameter and device pool settings. Note If the server parameter and device pool settings are different, the device will inherit the setting from the service parameter setting. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide. Default: Default |
Speeddials |
Speeddial |
Index |
Dirn * |
Label |
Class * | Class ID string. Class information is read-only except when creating a device. Default: Device Profile |
DND Option | When you enable DND on the phone, this parameter allows you to specify how the DND feature handles incoming calls: Call Reject—This option specifies that no incoming call information gets presented to the user. Depending on how you configure the DND Incoming Call Alert parameter, the phone may play a beep or display a flash notification of the call. Ringer Off—This option turns off the ringer, but incoming call information gets presented to the device, so that the user can accept the call. Use Common Phone Profile Setting—This option specifies that the DND Option setting from the Common Phone Profile window will get used for this device. Note For 7940/7960 phones that are running SCCP, you can only choose the Ringer Off option. For mobile devices and dual-mode phones, you can only choose the Call Reject option. When you activate DND Call Reject on a mobile device or dual-mode phone, no call information gets presented to the device. Default: Ringer Off |
Do Not Disturb | Check this check box to enable Do Not Disturb. |
Name * | The device name,using only URL-friendly characters |
DND Incoming Call Alert | When you enable the DND Ringer Off or Call Reject option, this parameter specifies how a call displays on a phone. From the drop-down list, choose one of the following options: None—This option specifies that the DND Incoming Call Alert setting from the Common Phone Profile window will get used for this device. Disable—This option disables both beep and flash notification of a call but for the DND Ringer Off option, incoming call information still gets displayed. For the DND Call Reject option, no call alerts display and no information gets sent to the device. Beep Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to play a beep tone only. Flash Only—For an incoming call, this option causes the phone to display a flash alert. |
Softkey Template | From the Softkey Template drop-down list box, choose the softkey template from the list that displays. |
Protocol Side * | Side information is read-only except when creating a device Default: User |
Privacy | From the Privacy drop-down list box, choose On for each phone on which you want privacy. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. Default: Default |
MLPP Domain ID | If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, choose the MLLP Domain from the drop-down list box. Note You define MLPP domains in the MLPP Domain Configuration window. For access, choose System > MLPP Domain. |
Services |
Service |
Name * |
Url |
Service Name Ascii |
Url Button Index |
Telecaster Service Name * |
Url Label |
Login User Id | From the Login User ID drop-down list box, choose a valid login user ID. Note If the device profile is used as a logout profile, specify the login user ID that will be associated with the phone. After the user logs out from this user device profile, the phone will automatically log in to this login user ID. |
Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS | From the drop-down list box, choose an existing Calling Search Space (CSS) to use for this device profile for the Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature. (To configure a new CSS or modify an existing CSS, choose Call Routing > Class of Control > Calling Search Space in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.) Default value specifies None. The home administrator specifies this CSS, which gets used as the device CSS that gets assigned to the phone when the user logs in to this remote phone. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. |