Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dependent Entity Object Id | The unique identifier of the entity that is dependent on the user. |
Subscriber Object Id | The unique identifier of the user which this object references. The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a UserSubscriber object. - template parameter [1] |
User URI |
Dependent Entity Owner | The unique identifier of the entity that owns the object which is dependent on the user. For example, a user's call handler may be the dependent entity, but the call handler is owned by another user. |
Dependent Entity Object Type | The type of object that is dependent on the user. |
Dependency Destination Type |
Dependent Entity Owner Type | The entity owner type of object (e.g., User, Call Handler Template) |
Dependency Type | Type of dependency (e.g., After Greeting, After Mesage, Routing Rule, etc.) |