
Model: device/cuc/Contact

Model Details

Title Description Details
Voice Name The name of the WAV file containing the recorded audio (voice name, greeting, etc.) for the parent object.
  • Field Name: VoiceName
  • Type: String
Dtmf Name Last First Digits corresponding the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the last name followed by the first name of the contact. These digits are used for searching the contact by name via the phone.
  • Field Name: DtmfNameLastFirst
  • Type: String
Display Name The preferred text name of a person to be used when displaying entries such as in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
First Name The first name (i.e., givenName) of a contact. Not their surname nor middle name.
  • Field Name: FirstName
  • Type: String
Last Name The last name (i.e., surname or family name) of a contact, by which a contact is commonly known.
  • Field Name: LastName
  • Type: String
Dtmf Name First Last Digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the first name followed by the last name of the contact. These digits are used for searching the contact by name via the phone.
  • Field Name: DtmfNameFirstLast
  • Type: String
Is Addressable A flag indicating whether the entity to which the alias belongs is addressable. By default all distribution lists are addressable. All subscribers (users with a voice mailbox, except UnityCinnection Messaging System user) are addressable. All contacts that are associated with a delivery location are addressable.
  • Field Name: IsAddressable
  • Type: Boolean
Call Handler Object Id The unique identifier of the primary CallHandler object for the contact.
  • Field Name: CallHandlerObjectId
  • Type: String
Delivery Location Partition Object Id The partition assigned to the delivery location. The unique identifier of the Partition to which the DtmfAccessId is assigned.
  • Field Name: DeliveryLocationPartitionObjectId
  • Type: String
Transfer Enabled Transfer enabled? A flag indicating whether or not a call handler has Transfer Enabled.
  • Field Name: TransferEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Partition URI
  • Field Name: PartitionURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Alt Last Name Alternate spelling of a contact's last name in an internationally recognizable format (i.e., ASCII only characters) used for TUI client name lookup and message addressing, and for VUI client name lookup.
  • Field Name: AltLastName
  • Type: String
Partition Object Id The unique identifier of the Partition to which the Contact is assigned.
  • Field Name: PartitionObjectId
  • Type: String
Delivery Location Dtmf Access Id The dtmf access id for the location to which this object belongs. The dialable number.
  • Field Name: DeliveryLocationDtmfAccessId
  • Type: String
Transfer Rings The number of times the extension rings before Cisco Unity Connection considers it a "ring no answer" and plays the subscriber or handler greeting.
  • Field Name: TransferRings
  • Type: Integer
Transfer Extension The extension (phone number) to transfer to
  • Field Name: TransferExtension
  • Type: String
Delivery Location URI
  • Field Name: DeliveryLocationURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Voice Name URI
  • Field Name: VoiceNameURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Location Object Id The unique identifier of the LocationVMS object to which this contact belongs.
  • Field Name: LocationObjectId
  • Type: String
Contact Type Identifies the type of contact based on the DeliveryLocationObjectId.
  • Field Name: ContactType
  • Type: Integer
Delivery Location Object Id The unique identifier of the location to which this contact's messages will be sent. Currently, this is a LocationVPIM, but in the future as we add other types of interops it could be another type of Location such as LocationOctel or LocationAMIS.
  • Field Name: DeliveryLocationObjectId
  • Type: String
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a Contact object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Remote Address A mail address on the remote system.
  • Field Name: RemoteAddress
  • Type: String
Callhandler URI
  • Field Name: CallhandlerURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Is Template A flag indicating whether this instance of a Contact object is a "template" for creating contacts.
  • Field Name: IsTemplate
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Alias The unique text name for either a user, distribution list, or personal group.
  • Field Name: Alias
  • Type: String
Disable Outbound For an AMIS remote contact, indicates no messages are being delivered to this target
  • Field Name: DisableOutbound
  • Type: Boolean
Alternate Names URI The URI to get the alternate names of the contact.
  • Field Name: AlternateNamesURI
  • Type: String
Voice File URI
  • Field Name: VoiceFileURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Transfer Type The type of call transfer Cisco Unity Connection will perform - supervised or unsupervised (also referred to as "Release to Switch" transfer).
  • Field Name: TransferType
  • Type: Integer
Auto Create Call Handler A flag indicating whether or not a call handler should be automatically created for a contact.
  • Field Name: AutoCreateCallHandler
  • Type: Boolean
Alt First Name Alternate spelling of a contact's first name in an internationally recognizable format (i.e., ASCII only characters) used for TUI client name lookup and message addressing, and for VUI client name lookup.
  • Field Name: AltFirstName
  • Type: String
Delivery Location Partition URI
  • Field Name: DeliveryLocationPartitionURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Template Alias Query parameter
  • Field Name: templateAlias
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/UserTemplate
  • Target attr: Alias
  • Format: uri
Dtmf Access Id This column shadows the object's optional dtmfaccessid from tbl_DtmfAccessId. It was added to speed up queries.
  • Field Name: DtmfAccessId
  • Type: String
List In Directory A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should list the contact in the phone directory for outside callers.
  • Field Name: ListInDirectory
  • Type: Boolean
Location URI
  • Field Name: LocationURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
API reference for device/cuc/Contact