
Model: data/ucprep_UC_Profiles

UC Prep Profiles

The UCPrep Profile tool further streamlines the preparation process of deployment of Cisco applications with VOSS-4-UC Provider and Enterprise so that administrators will not have to repeat the same configuration tasks over and over every time they stage or build a UC Application.

The tool provides an easy, flexible and repeatable way to define, store and load static configurations and other infrastructure setup needed in the UC applications. One or multiple sets of static configuration data can be set up and stored. The UCPREP Profile tool use can vary from provider to provider and even by customer within a provider.

The created static configuration can then be pushed to UC Apps as a "one-off", and does not always have to be tied into a overall workflow.

UCPrep Feature Scope

The UCPrep tool covers the following areas of the Cisco Application Deployment:

It is not necessary to adjust all of these UC Application elements within a given UCPrep Profile. For example, if a Unity server is not part of a deployment, the CUC elements may remain un-configured. Similarly, if there is no need to adjust the hostname of a CUCM node, then the input form tab for that configuration can remain empty.

UCPrep Profiles

From the UCPrep Profiles menu, the list view shows all created profiles at the administrator's hierarchy and below.

UCPrep Profiles are intended to be templates at a higher level in the hierarchy and are then cloned to a lower level for specific settings to a cluster. When cloning a UCPrep Profile the UC Prep Profile Name must be unique. The UCPrep Profile Notes should also be descriptive so that this information is available when the UCPrep Profile Push tool is used.

For example, a provider level profile may contain global element configuration that are not site or cluster specific. At a customer or site level, this profile can then be cloned and updated with configuration elements that apply to the customer or site.

UCPrep Profiles Reference

Name Field Description
UC Prep Profile Name The friendly name for the UCPrep Profile. This is the name populated into the push tooling above.
UC Prep Profile Notes A field available to enter helpful information describing the UCPrep Profile. This is the field populated to the push tooling above.

UC Prep Profiles

UCPrep Profile Push Reference

Name Field Description
UCPrep Profile Drop-down providing the available UCPrep Profiles configured on the system.
Profile Description Description populated automatically when a UCPrep Profile is chosen from the UC Prep Profile drop-down.
Target Call Manager Cisco Call Manager to which the UCPrep Profile Data will be pushed.
Target Unity Cisco Unity server to which the UCPrep Profile Data will be pushed.

UC Prep Friendly Timezones

Date Time Groups Reference

Field Field Description
Date/Time Group Configuration Template

Configuration template used to configure the specific settings to a Data-Time Group in Call Manager. Options available in the Configuration template are date format, separator, Time format, and so on.

Note: the name of the date time group is automatically configured based on the chosen timezone entry. A timezone drop-down entry of America/New_York will create a date time group named America-New_York.

Date/Time Group Add Timezones are chosen and added via drop-down. Any number of timezones may be chosen.

Call Manager Groups

In order for the Member drop-downs to function, a UCPrep Profile must be cloned to the level of the UC Applications.

Note that in this example, the UCPrep Profile that is built is entered at the "Axis" customer application level.

The order in which the members are added indicate primary and secondary members of the group.

Call Manager Groups Reference

Name Description
Standard CUCM Group Entry mechanism to allow for configuration of an unlimited number of Call Manager Groups.
Call Manager Group Name Free text entry box for Call Manager Group Name.
Members (In Order) Add Call Manager nodes via drop-down by adding member entry boxes. The Call Manager nodes are added to the Call Manager Groups in the order presented in the input box.

Call Manager Host Adjustment

Multiple nodes of the cluster at the hierarchy can be modified.

Considerations for Host Adjustment are:

Call Manager Host Adjustment Reference

Name Description
Call Manager Hostname Entry area for multiple Call Manager Hostname adjustments.
Current ID Drop-down providing the current Call Manager node names in the cluster.
New Host Identifier Free text area to enter the new name as per business standards.
Call Manager Universal Device Template Drop-down providing the CUCM configured Universal Device Templates. These templates are only required when configuring auto-registration on the Call Manager Node.
Call Manager Universal Line Template Drop-down providing the CUCM configured Universal Line Templates. These templates are only required when configuring auto-registration on the Call Manager Node.
Starting Directory Number Free text field for entry of starting directory number for auto-registration.
Ending Directory Number Free text field for entry of ending directory number for auto-registration.
Auto-registration Enabled on this Cisco Unified Communications Manager Check box to enable auto-registration on the Call Manager node.

Call Manager SIP Trunk Security Profiles

The input form on the tab shows the fields commonly requiring modification.

Call Manager SIP Trunk Security Profiles Reference

Name Description
Name Free text field to enter Sip Trunk Security Profile name.
Description Free text field to enter Sip Trunk Security Profile description.
Device Security Mode

Drop-down providing options:

  • Non Secure
  • Authenticated
  • Encrypted
Incoming Transport Type

Drop-down providing options:

  • TLS
  • TCP and UDP
Outgoing Transport Type

Drop-down providing options:

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • TLS
Enable Digest Authentication Check box to enable Digest Authentication.
Accept presence subscription Check box to enable Accept of presence subscription.
Accept out-of-dialog refer Check box to enable Accept out-of-dialog refer.
Accept unsolicited notification Check box to enable Accept unsolicited notification.
Accept replaces header Check box to enable Accept replaces header.
Incoming SIP Port Free text box to set Incoming SIP Port.

Call Manager SIP Profiles

Call Manager SIP Profiles Reference

Field Name Description
Call Manager SIP Profiles Entry box to add any number of SIP Profile definitions.
Name Free text field to enter name of SIP Profile.
Description Free text field to enter description of SIP Profile.
Use Fully Qualified Domain Name in SIP Requests Check box to enable Use Fully Qualified Domain Name in SIP Requests.
Phone Parameters: Timer Register Expires (seconds) Free text box to adjust the Timer Register Expired timeout. Default 3600
Phone Parameters: Timer Register Delta Free text box to adjust the Timer Register Delta. Default 5
Phone Parameters: Timer Keep Alive Expires (seconds) Free text box to adjust the Timer Keep Alive Expires. Default 120
Phone Parameters: Timer Subscribe Delta (seconds) Free text box to adjust the Timer Subscribe Delta. Default 120
Enable OPTIONS Ping to monitor destination status for Trunks with Service Type "None (Default)" Check box to Enable OPTIONS Ping.
Trunk Configuration: SIP Rel1XX Options

Drop-down providing options

  • Disabled
  • Send PRACK if 1xx Contains SDP
  • Send PRACK for all 1xx Messages
Trunk Configuration: Calling Line Identification Presentation

Drop-down providing options

  • Default
  • Strict From URI presentation Only
  • Strict Identity Headers presentation Only
Trunk Configuration: Session Refresh Method

Drop-down providing options

  • Invite
  • Update
Trunk Configuration: Enable ANAT Check box to enable ANAT
Trunk Configuration: Deliver Conference Bridge Identifier Check box to enable Deliver Conference Bridge Identifier.
SDP Information: Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP Check box to enable Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP

Call Manager Audio Codec Preferences

The Audio Codec Preferences List lends itself to be driven by a configuration template rather than a GUI input of a list of codecs.

The lists are written to Call Manager by selecting any number of configuration templates that have been set up to list out groups of codecs. Typically, a configuration template from the menu UCPrep Configuration Templates list view is cloned and modified to show the required codecs and settings.

Audio Codec Preference List Configuration Template Example:

Call Manager Audio Codec Preferences Reference

Name Description
Audio Codec Preference List Entry mechanism for any number of Codec lists.
Configuration Template to Apply Drop-down providing a list of available configuration templates.

UC Prep Application User List

Call Manager Application Users Reference

Field Name Description
Application Users Mechanism for adding an unlimited number if application users to a Call Manager.
User ID The Application User ID. This drop-down is driven from the UCPrep Application User List in the menu. The idea behind this is to cut down on AppUser misspelling.
Password Password for the application user
Repeat Password Confirmation of entered password.
Controlled Devices Drop-down that provides a list of configured devices on Call Manager should an association be necessary.
CTI Controlled Device Profiles Drop-down that provides a list of configured device profiles on Call Manager should an association be necessary.
Group Permissions Drop-down that provides the ability to build group permissions for the application user. The drop-downs will provide all configured groups from the Call Manager.

Call Manager Feature Control Policies

Feature Control Policies are defined by entering policy names and selecting features from the list of check boxes.

Call Manager Feature Control Policies Reference

Field Name Description
Feature Control Policy Mechanism to enter an unlimited number of Feature Control Policies
Policy Name Free text field for entry of Feature Control Policy Name.
Policy Description Free text field for entry of Feature Control Policy Description.
Check boxes to add the individual services into the Feature Control Policy
  • Barge
  • Call Back
  • Call Pickup
  • Conference List
  • Divert (Alerting)
  • Divert (Connected)
  • Forward All
  • Group Call PickUp
  • Meet Me
  • Mobility
  • Other Call PickUp
  • Park
  • Redial
  • Report Caller
  • Report Quality
  • Speed Dial

Call Manager Route Filters

The Route Filter lends itself to be driven by a configuration template rather than a GUI input of clauses.

The filters are written to Call Manager by selecting any number of configuration templates from the Route Filter Template to Apply drop-down on the input form.

Typically, a configuration template from the menu UCPrep Configuration Templates list view is cloned and modified to show the required Route Filter settings.

Example of Route Filter Configuration Template:

Call Manager Route Filters Reference

Name Description
Route Filters Route Filter Template to Apply Mechanism to add an unlimited number of route filters via configuration template. Drop-down to provide a list of available configuration templates.

Unity Authentication Policies

The Unity authentication rule lends itself to be driven by a configuration template rather than a GUI input, since settings commonly do not change and the same group of settings are repeated.

Typically, configuration templates from the menu UCPrep Configuration Templates list view are cloned and modified to show the required Voice and Web Authentication Rules.

Example of Authentication Rule Configuration Template:

Unity Authentication Policies Reference

Field Name Description
Update Voice Mail Authentication Rules Check box to enable the update of the Voice Mail Authentication Rule from the UCPrep Profile.
Voice Authentication Rule CFT Drop-down providing a list of available configuration templates.
Update Web Authentication Rules Check box to enable the update of the Web Authentication Rule from the UCPrep Profile.
Web Authentication Rule CFT Drop-down providing a list of available configuration templates.

Unity User Templates

The list of user templates shown on the input form are those that are most often changed. Own templates can be added as new entries and options selected from the available drop-downs.

Additional required fields can be added by selecting a created Configuration Template containing these from the CUC User Template CFT drop-down.

Field Name Description
Unity User Template Mechanism to enter an unlimited number of user templates.
Alias Free text field to enter the User Template Alias.
Display Name Free text field to enter the User Template Display Name.
Based On Template Drop-down providing a list of Unity configured templates to use as the required reference.
Phone System Drop-down providing the Unity configured phone system.
Class Of Service Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Class of Service.
Partition Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Partitions.
Search Scope Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Calling Search Spaces.
Message Aging Policy Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Message Aging Policies.
CUC User Template CFT The VOSS configuration template, which will be used to populate the unexposed fields of a User Template.

Static profiles to apply different end to end configurations to Cucm/cuc

Model Details

Title Description Details
UCPrep Profile Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: UCPrep Profile
  • Type: Object
UC Prep Profile Name
  • Field Name: UCPrep Profile.ucprep_profilename
  • Type: String
UC Prep Profile Notes
  • Field Name: UCPrep Profile.ucprep_profile_notes
  • Type: String
CUCM Date Time Groups Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Date Time Groups
  • Type: Object
Date/Time Group Configuration Template Template to conifigure the details of the Date Time groups. eg: separator, format
  • Field Name: CUCM Date Time Groups.tz_cft
  • Type: String
  • Target attr: name
Date/Time Group Add TimeZone add as an array from data model of friendly time zone names
  • Field Name: TimeZone.[n]
  • Type: Array
DTG Custom Name DTG Custom Name
  • Field Name: CUCM Date Time Groups.TimeZone.[n].dtg_custom
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: CUCM Date Time Groups.TimeZone.[n].timezone
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ucprep_friendlytimezones
  • Target attr: timezone
  • Format: uri
CUCM Groups Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Groups
  • Type: Object
Standard CUCM Group Add Standard CUCM Group
  • Field Name: add_cucmgroup.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Manager Group Name
  • Field Name: CUCM Groups.add_cucmgroup.[n].cmg_Name
  • Type: String
Members (In Order) Members (In Order)
  • Field Name: cmg_membersarray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Member Member
  • Field Name: CUCM Groups.add_cucmgroup.[n].cmg_membersarray.[n].cmg_members
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/CallManager
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
CUCM Host Adjustment Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment
  • Type: Object
Call Manager Hostname Call Manager Hostname
  • Field Name: cucm_ip_array.[n]
  • Type: Array
Current ID Current ID Used in Call Manager
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_currenthost
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/CallManager
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
New Host Identifier New Host Identifier
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_newname
  • Type: String
Call Manager Universal Device Template Required UDT for autoregistration
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_autoreg_udt
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/UniversalDeviceTemplate
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Call Manager Universal Line Template Required ULT for autoregistration
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_autoreg_ult
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/UniversalLineTemplate
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Starting Directory Number Starting Directory Number
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_autoreg_startdn
  • Type: String
Ending Directory Number Ending Directory Number
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_autoreg_enddn
  • Type: String
Auto-registration on this Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Field Name: CUCM Host Adjustment.cucm_ip_array.[n].cucm_autoreg_disabled
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Enabled", "Disabled"]
CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles
  • Type: Object
Sip Trunk Security Profile Sip Trunk Security Profile
  • Field Name: cucm_stsp_array.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name name
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_name
  • Type: String
Description Description
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_description
  • Type: String
Device Security Mode Device Security Mode
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_devicesecuritymode
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Non Secure", "Authenticated", "Encrypted"]
Incoming Transport Type * Incoming Transport Type
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_incomingtransport
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["TLS", "TCP+UDP"]
Outgoing Transport Type Outgoing Transport Type
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_outgoingtransport
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["TCP", "UDP", "TLS"]
Enable Digest Authentication Enable Digest Authentication
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_enabledigest
  • Type: Boolean
Accept presence subscription Accept presence subscription
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_acceptpresence
  • Type: Boolean
Accept out-of-dialog refer Accept out-of-dialog refer
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_acceptoutofdialog
  • Type: Boolean
Accept unsolicited notification Accept unsolicited notification
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_acceptunsolicited
  • Type: Boolean
Accept replaces header Accept replaces header
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_acceptrepheader
  • Type: Boolean
Incoming SIP Port Incoming TCP SIP Port Default: 5060
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Trunk Security Profiles.cucm_stsp_array.[n].stsp_inport
  • Type: String
  • Default: 5060
CUCM SIP Profiles Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles
  • Type: Object
Call Manager SIP Profiles
  • Field Name: cucm_sipprof_array.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_desc
  • Type: String
Use Fully Qualified Domain Name in SIP Requests Use Fully Qualified Domain Name in SIP Requests
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_fqdnreq
  • Type: Boolean
Phone Parameters: Timer Register Expires (seconds) Phone Parameters: Timer Register Expires (seconds) Default: 3600
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_phregexpires
  • Type: String
  • Default: 3600
Phone Parameters: Timer Register Delta Phone Parameters: Timer Register Delta Default: 5
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_phregdelta
  • Type: String
  • Default: 5
Phone Parameters: Timer Keep Alive Expires (seconds) Default: 120
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_phkaexpires
  • Type: String
  • Default: 120
Phone Parameters: Timer Subscribe Delta (seconds) Default: 5
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_phtimesubdelta
  • Type: String
  • Default: 5
Phone Parameters: Timer Subscribe Expires (seconds) Default: 120
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_phsubexpires
  • Type: String
  • Default: 120
Enable OPTIONS Ping to monitor destination status for Trunks with Service Type "None (Default)"
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_ping_option
  • Type: Boolean
Trunk Configuration: SIP Rel1XX Options
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_trk_rel1xx
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Disabled", "Send PRACK if 1xx Contains SDP", "Send PRACK for all 1xx Messages"]
Trunk Configuration: Calling Line Identification Presentation
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_trk_clidp
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Default", "Strict From URI presentation Only", "Strict Identity Headers presentation Only"]
Trunk Configuration: Session Refresh Method
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_trk_refreshmeth
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Invite", "Update"]
Trunk Configuration: Enable ANAT
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_trk_anat
  • Type: Boolean
Trunk Configuration: Deliver Conference Bridge Identifier
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_trk_deliverid
  • Type: Boolean
SDP Information: Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Profiles.cucm_sipprof_array.[n].sip_p_bfcp
  • Type: Boolean
CUCM Audio Codec Preferences Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Audio Codec Preferences
  • Type: Object
Audio Codec Preference List Audio Codec Preference List
  • Field Name: cucm_audiocodecprefs.[n]
  • Type: Array
Configuration Template to Apply Configuration Template to apply
  • Field Name: CUCM Audio Codec Preferences.cucm_audiocodecprefs.[n].acpl_cft
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ConfigurationTemplate
  • Target attr: name
CUCM Application Users Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users
  • Type: Object
Application Users Add Application Users
  • Field Name: cucm_appuserarray.[n]
  • Type: Array
User ID User ID Dropdown driven by data/ucprep_appusers data model
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users.cucm_appuserarray.[n].appuser_userid
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ucprep_appusers
  • Target attr: username
  • Format: uri
Password Password
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users.cucm_appuserarray.[n].appuser_pw
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Controlled Devices Controlled Devices
  • Field Name: appuser_cntldevarray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Device Device to add - Replace URI with gui rule for scope down
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users.cucm_appuserarray.[n].appuser_cntldevarray.[n].appuser_cntldev
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Phone
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
CTI Controlled Device Profiles CTI Controlled Device Profiles
  • Field Name: appuser_contdparray.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Target attr: name
Device Profile Device Profile
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users.cucm_appuserarray.[n].appuser_contdparray.[n].appuser_contdp
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/DeviceProfile
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Group Permissions Group Permissions
  • Field Name: appuser_grouparray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Group Group
  • Field Name: CUCM Application Users.cucm_appuserarray.[n].appuser_grouparray.[n].appuser_group
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/UserGroup
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
CUCM Feature Control Policies Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies
  • Type: Object
Feature Control Policy
  • Field Name: cucm_fcp_array.[n]
  • Type: Array
Policy Name Unique Name of Policy
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_name
  • Type: String
Policy Description Policy Description
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_desc
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_barge
  • Type: Boolean
Call Back Call Back
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_callback
  • Type: Boolean
Call Pickup Call Pickup
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_callpickup
  • Type: Boolean
Conference List Conference List
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_conflist
  • Type: Boolean
Divert (Alerting) Divert (Alerting)
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_divertalert
  • Type: Boolean
Divert (Connected) Divert (Connected)
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_divertconn
  • Type: Boolean
Forward All Forward All
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_fwdall
  • Type: Boolean
Group Call PickUp Group Call PickUp
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_groupcallpu
  • Type: Boolean
Meet Me Meet Me
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_meetme
  • Type: Boolean
Mobility Mobility
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_mobility
  • Type: Boolean
Other Call PickUp Other Call PickUp
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_ocp
  • Type: Boolean
Park Park
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_park
  • Type: Boolean
Redial Redial
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_redial
  • Type: Boolean
Report Caller Report Caller
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_reportcaller
  • Type: Boolean
Report Quality Report Quality
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_reportquality
  • Type: Boolean
Speed Dial Speed Dial
  • Field Name: CUCM Feature Control Policies.cucm_fcp_array.[n].policy_speeddial
  • Type: Boolean
CUCM Route Filters Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Route Filters
  • Type: Object
Route Filters
  • Field Name: cucm_routefilter_array.[n]
  • Type: Array
Route Filter Template to Apply Route Filter Template to Apply
  • Field Name: CUCM Route Filters.cucm_routefilter_array.[n].rf_cft
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ConfigurationTemplate
  • Target attr: name
CUCM Phone Services Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services
  • Type: Object
Add CUCM Phone Services CUCM Phone Services to add
  • Field Name: cucm_phone_services_add.[n]
  • Type: Array
Service Name
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].serviceName
  • Type: String
Service Description
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].serviceDescription
  • Type: String
Service URL
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].serviceUrl
  • Type: String
Service Category Default: XML Service
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].serviceCategory
  • Type: String
  • Default: XML Service
Service Type Default: Standard IP Phone Service
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].serviceType
  • Type: String
  • Default: Standard IP Phone Service
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Enterprise Subscription
  • Field Name: CUCM Phone Services.cucm_phone_services_add.[n].enterpriseSubscription
  • Type: Boolean
Remove CUCM Phone Services CUCM Phone Services to remove
  • Field Name: cucm_phone_services_remove.[n]
  • Type: Array
CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts
  • Type: Object
CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts
  • Field Name: cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].description
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].content
  • Type: String
System Resource Error Recovery Action Default: Disable Script
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].systemResourceErrorRecoveryAction
  • Type: String
  • Default: Disable Script
Script Execution Error Recovery Action Default: Message Rollback Only
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].scriptExecutionErrorRecoveryAction
  • Type: String
  • Default: Message Rollback Only
Maximum Memory Threshold Default: 50
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].maxMemoryThreshold
  • Type: String
  • Default: 50
Maximum Lua Instructions Threshold Default: 1000
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].maxLuaInstructionsThreshold
  • Type: String
  • Default: 1000
Is Standard
  • Field Name: CUCM SIP Normalization Scripts.cucm_sip_normalization_scripts.[n].isStandard
  • Type: Boolean
Unity Authentication Policies Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Unity Authentication Policies
  • Type: Object
Update Voice Mail Authentication Rules Voice Authentication Rule Modify Option
  • Field Name: Unity Authentication Policies.add_cucvmauth
  • Type: Boolean
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Voice Authentication Rule CFT Voice Authentication Rule CFT
  • Field Name: Unity Authentication Policies.add_cucvmauthcft
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ConfigurationTemplate
  • Target attr: name
Update Web Authentication Rules Web Authentication Update Option
  • Field Name: Unity Authentication Policies.add_cucwebauth
  • Type: Boolean
  • Target: data/ConfigurationTemplate
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Web Authentication Rule CFT Web Authentication Rule CFT to update the CUC Web Authentication Rules
  • Field Name: Unity Authentication Policies.add_cucwebauthcft
  • Type: String
  • Target attr: name
Unity User Templates Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates
  • Type: Object
Unity User Template Unity User Template
  • Field Name: unity_usertemplatearray.[n]
  • Type: Array
Alias Alias
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_alias
  • Type: String
Display Name Display Name
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_display
  • Type: String
Based On Template Based On Template
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_bat
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/UserTemplate
  • Target attr: Alias
  • Format: uri
Phone System Phone System
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_phonesystem
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/PhoneSystem
  • Target attr: DisplayName
  • Format: uri
Class Of Service Class Of Service
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_cos
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/Cos
  • Target attr: DisplayName
  • Format: uri
Partition Partition
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_partition
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/Partition
  • Target attr: Name
  • Format: uri
Search Scope Search Scope
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_css
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/SearchSpace
  • Target attr: Name
  • Format: uri
Message Aging Policy Message Aging Policy
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_ut_map
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cuc/MessageAgingPolicy
  • Target attr: DisplayName
  • Format: uri
CUC User Template CFT CUC User Template CFT
  • Field Name: Unity User Templates.unity_usertemplatearray.[n].unity_chosencft
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/ConfigurationTemplate
  • Target attr: name
API reference for data/ucprep_UC_Profiles