
Model: data/Transform

Transform instructions to transform data instances between different API versions.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Name * The name that is given to the Configuration Template.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description A description for the Configuration Template instance.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Target Model Type * The target model type and name that the Configuration Template applies to.
  • Field Name: target_model_type
  • Type: String
From Version The API version the data instance will be transformed from.
  • Field Name: from_version
  • Type: String
To Version The API version the data instance will be transformed to.
  • Field Name: to_version
  • Type: String
Order An integer indicating the order in which the transforms must be applied if multilpes are found.
  • Field Name: order
  • Type: Integer
Pre-Conditions If all of these conditions are met, the transform will commence
  • Field Name: pre_conditions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Condition * A macro based condition
  • Field Name: pre_conditions.[n].condition
  • Type: String
Post-Conditions If all of these conditions are met it means the transform was successful
  • Field Name: post_conditions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Condition * A macro based condition
  • Field Name: post_conditions.[n].condition
  • Type: String
Foreach Elements Iterates over the list returned by the macro and appends array elements to the specified field.
  • Field Name: foreach.[n]
  • Type: Array
Property * The field/property to iterate over.
  • Field Name: foreach.[n].property
  • Type: String
Macro List * The macro that produces the list to iterate over.
  • Field Name: foreach.[n].macro_list
  • Type: String
Context Variable * The context variable that will contain the data from the iteration.
  • Field Name: foreach.[n].context_var
  • Type: String
Template * The contents of the template, such as defaults and macros. The names shown in the template are determined by the attribute names of the Target Model Type.
  • Field Name: template
  • Type: String
Override list items when merging A Flag to allow the merge_it function to override list values when merging Default: false
  • Field Name: override_list_items
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
API reference for data/Transform