
Model: data/GeneralHelp

Data model that will allow additions to the general help section for the online help.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Name * The name that is given to the General Help Model instance. This will be displayed as the title of the general help entry.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Menu Title Menu title of this specific general help instance as it should be displayed in general help.
  • Field Name: menu_title
  • Type: String
Menu Position Position where this specific general help instance must be placed within general help. If duplicates of the position number occur it will simply be ordered randomly on that position. Order is from lowest integer to highest integer.
  • Field Name: menu_position
  • Type: Integer
Language * The language shortcode this help instance is written in.
  • Field Name: language_code
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Language
  • Target attr: lcid
  • Format: uri
Model Overwrite Options Object that will contain various fields that will indicate how the dynamic model content will be affected by the general help content.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics
  • Type: Object
Overwrite Details This complex field will contain details around the overwrite options per model type.
  • Field Name: overwrite_details.[n]
  • Type: Array
Hide Model Help Title Indicates if this overwrite will hide the model help title.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].hide_model_title
  • Type: Boolean
New Model Help Title This field will tell the model help page which title to display. An empty field means unaffected
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].model_title
  • Type: String
Insert General Help Text Into Model Content Indicates if this overwrite will insert the help text into the model help.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].insert_model_content
  • Type: Boolean
Hide General Help Section Title Indicates if this overwrite will hide the general help text section title. Each inserted general help text will have the general help menu title as default title for that section.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].hide_general_title
  • Type: Boolean
New General Help Section Title This field will tell the model help page which title to display for the particular general help overwrite sections. An empty field means unaffected
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].model_general_title
  • Type: String
New Model General Help Paragraph Position. This indicates the position of the model help overwrite content on the page (paragraph positions). -1 means it will be hidden. Default: 1
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].model_content_position
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 1
Manipulate Model Dynamic Generated Help This field will indicate if we want this general help's model overwrites to affect the dynamically generated model help sections as well
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].affect_dynamic_help
  • Type: Boolean
Model Dynamically Generated Help Paragraph Position. This indicates the position of the dynamic model help on the page (paragraph positions). -1 means hide the help. Default: 2
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].dynamic_help_position
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 2
Hide API Help Link Indicates if the API HREF (Link) in the dynamic help should be shown.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].hide_model_api_url
  • Type: Boolean
Hide Visualize Button Only applicable to certain models. Indicates if the Visualize button should be shown.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].hide_model_visualize_button
  • Type: Boolean
Affected Model Type This field will show which model types to overwrite with this data.
  • Field Name: overwrite_specifics.overwrite_details.[n].affected_model
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Help Text Object that will contain various fields that will allow formatted HTML additions to the general help section
  • Field Name: help_text
  • Type: Object
Help Paragraph Section This field will allow additions of paragraphs to the general help model
  • Field Name: paragraph_section.[n]
  • Type: Array
API reference for data/GeneralHelp