Bulk Loading a File

Completed Bulk Load XLS sheets can be loaded immediately. Verify the following:

  • Ensure that:
    • The file has a valid file extension .xlsx. An error message will display on the user interface to indicate that the file does not have a valid file extension.
    • Any Configuration Templates that are referenced, are available.
    • Any comments that your spreadsheet application allows you to add (for example showing as a marker in the cell with a pop-up) have been removed. Otherwise, an error message is shown: “An error occurred while opening the workbook. For possible resolution, please remove all comments from the worksheets and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator for support.”
  • To send empty values for a files, type a space in the cell of the value column on the sheet.
  • Spreadsheet formulas (such as '=7+2') in data will not be evaluated.
  1. Browse to the hierarchy level at which you want to perform the bulk load.
  2. Choose Administration Tools > Bulk Load. The Bulk Load** form is displayed.
  3. Click Browse to open the file upload dialog.
  4. Click Bulk Load File on the button bar to carry out the bulk load.
  5. Choose Administration Tools > Transaction to inspect the bulk load in the transaction log if necessary. The Execute Bulk Load sub-transaction list shows the transaction for each row of the sheet.
  6. Alternatively, to schedule the bulk load, clear the Execute Immediately check box and add scheduled date and time values in the mandatory Execution Date, Execution Time and Execution Timezone fields. A scheduled bulk load is shown on the list view of the Schedule and has the name and upload load date of the sheet.