Bulk Modify Your Personal Phones

You can modify multiple ‘your personal’ phones at the same time in the Your Personal Phones area of the screen:

To set simultaneous ring on or off for multiple phones:

  1. Select the check boxes to choose the personal phones you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose All to select all phones.
  2. Click SR On or SR Off if you want the selected phones to have simultaneous ring set to On or Off respectively. If the SR On option is selected, then the selected phones will automatically always ring simultaneously with your company phone.

To configure the ring schedule for multiple phones:

  1. Select the check boxes to choose the personal phones you want to modify, or click the Select arrow and choose All to select all phones.
  2. Click Ring 24/7 if you want to set the chosen phones to always ring simultaneously with your company phones. If not clicked then the phones keep their original ring schedule.
  3. Click Save to configure the simultaneous ring option on the selected phones.

To delete one or more personal phone:

  1. Select the relevant check boxes to choose the personal phones you want to delete, or click the Select arrow and choose All to select all phones.
  2. Click Delete to delete the chosen personal phones. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Yes to delete the phones or Cancel to abort the process.