User Interface

When you log in to Self-service, you are taken to your landing page. The appearance of your landing page, as well as the available features and services, depends on how your administrator has configured Self-service.

The landing page consists of four main areas:

  1. Button Bar - Located on the left-hand side of the screen. The buttons provide links to the various features and services in Self-service. See the “Buttons, Icons and Common Tasks” topic for a description of all buttons on the button bar as well as miscellaneous buttons and icons used in Self-service.

  2. Dashboard - The centre, main area of the screen. It provides quick links to the main Self-service functionality, as well as a summary view of your company phones (configured by your Administrator) and personal phones that you can configure yourself.

  3. Activity Feed Area - Located on the right-hand side of the screen. This area displays an activity log of all the user’s activities that occurred in the current browser session, notifications include:

    • Authentication messages, for example: “Your last successful login was on Apr 18, 2016 12:45:32 PM”
    • Failed Login Attempts messages, for example: “2 failed login(s) since your last successful login on Apr 17, 2016 10:15:34 PM”
    • Language installation messages, for example: “Self-service Language successful Apr 18, 2016 12:45:32 PM”
    • General system messages, for example: “The server is busy so the result of your request cannot be displayed right now. However, your request is still running. Please refresh to see if your change has taken effect Apr 18, 2016 12:45:32 PM”

    Important Note: If a transaction causes an error, you will also be notified of this with a pop-up notice on the associated transaction screen that can be dismissed. All error messages and notifications returned by the system are also displayed in the Activity Feed area. We recommend that you regularly inspect the Activity Feed area during each browser session.

  4. Drop-down options - Directly above the Activity Feed area, the currently logged in user is displayed. There are four options available from this drop-down:

    • My Information - Also accessed from the Button Bar - refer to “My Information” for more details.
    • Help - Also accessed from the Button Bar - see “Buttons and Icons” for details.
    • Password Reset Questions - Allows you to configure your password reset questions - see “Configure Your Password Reset Questions”.
    • Logout - Also accessed from the Button Bar - see “Buttons and Icons” for details.