Web Certificate Expiration Notice¶
If a Web Certificate is due to expire, a notice will display on the status display 30 days before expiration:
platform@development:~$ health
host: AS01, role: webproxy,application,database, LOAD: 3.85
date: 2014-08-28 11:24:22 +00:00, up: 6 days, 3:03
network:, ntp:
database: 20Gb
application: up
WEB CERT EXPIRES AT: 2014-09-26 11:30:02
mail - local mail management keys - ssh/sftp credentials
network - network management backup - manage backups
voss - voss management tools log - manage system logs
database - database management notify - notifications control
schedule - scheduling commands diag - system diagnostic tools
system - system administration snmp - snmp configuration
user - manage users cluster - cluster management
drives - manage disk drives web - web server management
app - manage applications template - template pack creator
If a Web Certificate has expired, the notice on the status displays:
WEB CERT EXPIRED AT: 2014-09-26 11:30:02
Once the certificate is expired, the system can be used as normal, but the certificate will be expired and for non self-signed certificates (like a Godaddy or Thawte certificates), the data will no longer be properly encrypted.