Site Data Export

Filename: <YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>_site.json.gz


provider_name Name of the Provider string v2
reseller_name Name of the Reseller string v2
customer_name Name of the customer string v1
division_name Intermediate Node (e.g Division or other node) string v1
location_name Site Name string v1
hierarchy The full hierarchy path for the item being exported string v1
customer_address1 Address string 1 for the customer string v1
customer_address2 Address string 2 for the customer string v1
customer_address3 Address string 3 for the customer string v1
location_address1 Address string 1 for the site string v1
location_address2 Address string 2 for the site string v1
location_address3 Address string 3 for the site string v1
emergency_number External emergency callback number assigned to the site string v1
ndl The NDL name that the site uses string v1
inter_site_prefix Digit dialled to prefix intersite calls (if the dial plan is setup that way) string v1
external_access_prefix Digit dialled to make external calls (if the dial plan is setup that way) string v1
site_code Dial Plan site code assigned to the site (if the dial plan is setup that way) string v1
published_number External published callback number assigned to the site string v1
country_code Country code identifying the site string v1
voice_bandwidth voice bandwidth allocation for the site string v1
video_bandwidth video bandwidth allocation for the site string v1
external_id An externally defined ID for the site string v2
extended_name An expanded name for the site string v2


(* marked fields are new in version 2)

    *  "provider_name": "CS-P",
    *  "reseller_name": "CS-NB",
        "customer_name": "Varidion",
       "division_name": "",
       "location_name": "Varidion-Reading",
       "hierarchy": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Varidion.Varidion-Reading",
       "customer_address1": "Varidion New York (Head Office)",
       "customer_address2": "L23, 33 Central Square",
       "customer_address3": "Dallas,TX, USA",
       "ndl": "GS-R3-VDN-CL1-NDL",
       "inter_site_prefix": "",
       "site_code": "",
       "video_bandwith": "",
       "emergency_number": "",
       "voice_bandwith": "",
       "country_code": "44",
       "external_access_prefix": "",
       "location_address1": "Varidion Reading",
       "location_address3": "Reading, Berkshire",
       "location_address2": "Atlantic House, Imperial Way",
       "published_number": "",
     * "external_id": "ABCXYZ",
     * "extended_name": "UK IT"