Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events, IOS Commands, and Variables

Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events

Default IOS Commands Notes
HcsAddIOSDeviceEVT An IOS Device is added.  
conf t

voice service VoIP

no IP address trusted authenticate


fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback
pass-through g711ulaw

modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw

voice class codec 1

codec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 30

codec preference 2 g711ulaw

codec preference 3 g711alaw

If you are generating the command for VG350 analog gateway, remove y from the generated commands, and then paste it to the analog gateway console.
Default IOS Commands
HcsDeleteIOSDeviceEVT An IOS Device is deleted.
conf t
no voice service VoIP
no voice class codec 1
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEVT An Analog Gateway is added.  
conf t

stcapp ccm-group 1


stcapp feature access-code

stcapp feature speed-dial

sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}


bind interface {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

sccp ccm group 1

{{ macro.HcsAnalogGwCommandForCCMIdentAndAssocMCR }} ccm-manager
config server {{ fn.one macro.HcsCucmsAssociatedToNDLRMCR}}

ccm-manager sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

ccm-manager sccp


pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface - This is the physical device network interface (Ethernet Port) for the analog gateway.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT An Endpoint is added for the Analog Gateway.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

caller-id enable

timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string
pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }}

cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }}

signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}}

no shutdown

dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

service stcapp

port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout - Time in seconds for which a connection is maintained after the completion of a communication exchange.

pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is the call progress tone of the country that supports each analog device in the gateway.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT An Endpoint Module is added for the Analog Gateway.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

caller-id enable

timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string
pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }}

cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }}

signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}}

no shutdown

dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

service stcapp

port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is the call progress tone of the country that supports each analog device in the gateway.

pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout - Time in seconds for which a connection is maintained after the completion of a communication exchange.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEVT An Analog Gateway is deleted.
conf t

no stcapp

no ccm-manager sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

no ccm-manager sccp

no sccp

no sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

no sccp ccm group 1

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT An Analog Gateway Endpoint is deleted.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

no caller-id enable

no timeouts call-disconnect

no cptone

no signal


no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT An Analog Gateway Endpoint Module is deleted.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

no caller-id enable

no timeouts call-disconnect

no cptone

no signal


no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT A SIP Local Gateway is added.  
 conf t
 voice class e164-pattern-map 4007
 e164 \+T
 e164 .T
 voice service VoIP
 allow-connections sip to sip
 retry invite 2
 timers trying 150
 service dsapp
 param disc-toggle-time 20
 param callHold TRUE
 param callWaiting TRUE
 param callConference TRUE
 param callTransfer TRUE
 voice translation-rule 802
 voice translation-profile VOIPOUT80
 translate called 802
 voice translation-rule 812
 voice translation-profile VOIPIN81
 translate calling 811
 translate called 812
 no voice hunt invalid-number
 no voice hunt unassigned-number

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT A SIP Local Gateway is added [CTD]  

dial-peer voice 8 VoIP
translation-profile incoming VOIPIN81
session protocol sipv2
incoming called e164-pattern-map 4007
fax rate 14400
no vad
voice translation-rule 812
rule 97 /^\\+01\\(.*\\)/ /904\\1/
rule 98 /^\\+1\\(.*\\)/ /901\\1/
rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /902\\1/
rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /904\\1/
voice translation-rule 9011
rule 98 /^\\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any

rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any international

rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown

voice translation-rule 9021

rule 81 /^901\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any national

rule 82 /^902\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any international

rule 83 /^903\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown

rule 84 /^904\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown

voice translation-rule 9022

rule 81 /^901\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown

rule 82 /^902\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown

rule 83 /^903\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown

rule 84 /^904\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown

voice translation-rule 9111

rule 1 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\1/ type national unknown


pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT A SIP Local Gateway is added [CTD]  

rule 2 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\+\\1/ type international unknown
voice translation-rule 9012
rule 98 /^\\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\(.*\\)/
/{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown
rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown
rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown
voice translation-rule 9121
voice translation-rule 9112
rule 1 /^{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\(.*\\)/ /\+\\1/ type unknown unknown
rule 2 /^{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\(.*\\)/
/\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\1/ type unknown unknown
voice translation-rule 9122
voice translation-profile POTSOUT9011
translate calling 9011
translate called 9021
voice translation-profile POTSOUT9012
translate calling 9011
translate called 9022
voice translation-profile POTSOUT9021
translate calling 9012
translate called 9021
voice translation-profile POTSOUT9022
translate calling 9012
translate called 9022
voice translation-profile POTSIN9111
translate calling 9111
translate called 9121
voice translation-profile POTSIN9112
translate calling 9111
translate called 9122
voice translation-profile POTSIN9121
translate calling 9112
translate called 9121
voice translation-profile POTSIN9122
translate calling 9112
translate called 9122
Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsAddSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT Triggers IOS Commands for each Dial Peer when A SIP Local Gateway is added.    
conf t

dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP

translation-profile outgoing VOIPOUT80


voice-class codec 1

service dsapp

voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 120 down-interval
60 retry 2

session target {{pwf.PBXIP}}

destination e164-pattern-map 4007

session protocol sipv2

modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw

dtmf-relay rtp-nte

fax rate 14400

no vad


pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer

pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

One command set is generated per dial peer.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsDeleteSipLocalGwEVT A SIP Local Gateway is deleted.  
conf t
no voice translation-profile POTSIN9122
no voice translation-profile POTSIN9121
no voice translation-profile POTSIN9112
no voice translation-profile POTSIN9111
no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9022

no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9021

no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9012

no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9011

no voice translation-rule 9122

no voice translation-rule 9112

no voice translation-rule 9121

no voice translation-rule 9012

no voice translation-rule 9111

no voice translation-rule 9022

no voice translation-rule 9021

no voice translation-rule 9011

no voice translation-rule 812

no voice translation-rule 802

no dial-peer voice 8 VoIP

no voice class e164-pattern-map 4007
no service dsapp
no sip-ua
voice service VoIP
no allow-connections sip to sip

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer

pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsDeleteSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT Triggers IOS Commands for each Dial Peer when A SIP Local Gateway is deleted.    
conf t
no dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP


pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer

pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

One command set is generated per dial peer.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsUpdateSipLocalGw1EVT Triggers IOS Commands when A SIP Local Gateway is updated.    
conf t

no dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP


pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer

pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Removes configuration related to previous dial peer. One set of commands per dial peer. Note:

If “Enable Command Builder” is updated from False to True, IOS commands will be regenerated for the SIP Local Gateway.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsUpdateSipLocalGw2EVT Triggers IOS Commands when A SIP Local Gateway is updated.    
conf t

dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP

translation-profile outgoing VOIPOUT80


voice-class codec 1

service dsapp

voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 120 down-interval
60 retry 2

session target {{pwf.PBXIP}}

destination e164-pattern-map 4007

session protocol sipv2

modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw

dtmf-relay rtp-nte

fax rate 14400

no vad


pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the Country Code based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s national trunk access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns the Country’s international access prefix based on the Country field configured on this SIP Local GW

pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM Server’s IP or hostname for dial peer

pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the CUCM server’s priority in the dial peer list

pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Adds configuration related to new dial peer. One set of commands per dial peer. Event is triggered only if the SIP Trunk information has been updated.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsSipLocalGwAddSiteAreaCodeEVT Triggers IOS commands for Area Code when a SIP Local Gateway is associated with a Site.    
conf t

voice translation-rule 9021

rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} /^901{{pwf.NATCODE}}\\(.*\\)//
{{pwf.NATCODEFORLOCALDIALING}}\\1/ type any subscriber

voice translation-rule 9022

rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}}
/^901{{pwf.NATCODE}}\\ (.*\\)//{{pwf.NATCODEFORLOCALDIALING}}\\1/
type any unknown


{{pwf.RULENUMBER}} and {{pwf.NATCODE}} are sequence numbers and area codes that is substituted by workflow during runtime

{{pwf.NATCODEFOR LOCALDIALING}} is the Area Code if the administrator selected the “Area Code Used for Local Dialing” option when deploying the site dial plan. If this option was not selected, this variable has no value.

The workflow for this event generates IOS Commands for each Area Code defined for the associated Site.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables Notes
HcsSipLocalGwDelSiteAreaCodeEVT Triggers IOS commands for Area Code when a SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from Site.    
conf t

no voice translation-rule 9021

no rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}}


conf t

no voice translation-rule 9022

no rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}}

{{pwf.RULENUMBER}} is substituted as sequence number by workflow during run time

The workflow for this event generates IOS Commands for each Area Code defined for the disassociated Site.

If Area Codes are shared across multiple sites and associated with the same gateway, the commands are generated only when the gateway is disassociated from the last site that shares the Area Code.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsSipLocalGwAddSitePstnEVT Triggers IOS commands for PSTN when a SIP Local Gateway is associated with a Site.  
conf t
voice translation-rule 9111
rule 3 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type
subscriber unknown

rule 4 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type unknown
voice translation-rule 9112
rule 3 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type unknown
pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site
Default IOS Commands Notes
HcsSipLocalGwDelSitePstnEVT Triggers IOS commands for PSTN when a SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from Site.  
conf t

no voice translation-rule 9111

no rule 3

no rule 4

no voice translation-rule 9112

no rule 3

By default, these commands are not generated to avoid deleting the voice translation rule for PSTN if the gateway is shared by multiple sites. If you need to delete the translation rules for PSTN when SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from site, clone the command builder template and set the Enabled flag.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT Triggers IOS commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to 1 DN) is made.  
conf t

voice translation-rule 9011

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }}
\\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type
any national

voice translation-rule 9012

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }}
\\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type any unknown

voice translation-rule 802

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }}
\\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /\+{{ pwf.COUNTRYCODE }}{{
pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/

voice translation-rule 9121

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{
pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type national

voice translation-rule 9122

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX
}} \\\\ 1/ type unknown unknown

voice translation-rule 712

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }}
\\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/


pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the directory number prefix (DN without the mask digits)

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwf.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for associate/disassociate

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT Triggers IOS commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to 1 DN) is deleted.  
conf t
voice translation-rule 9011
no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9012

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 802

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9121

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9122

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 712
no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}

pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the directory number prefix (DN without the mask digits)

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for associate/disassociate

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT Triggers IOS commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to N DN) is made.  
conf t

voice translation-rule 9011

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /{{
pwf.DDIPRIMARY }}/ type any national

voice translation-rule 9012

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /{{
pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPRIMARY }}/ type any unknown

voice translation-rule 802

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /\+{{

voice translation-rule 9121

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/
/{{ pwf.DN }}/ type national unknown

voice translation-rule 9122

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/ /{{ pwf.DN }}/ type unknown

voice translation-rule 712

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/ /{{
pwf.DN }}/


pwf.DN - Contains the directory number

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPRIMARY - Contains the primary E.164 associate with the N:1 association (DDI without + prefix and country code) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for associate/disassociate

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT Triggers IOS commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to N DN) is deleted.  
conf t

voice translation-rule 9011

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9012

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 802

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9121

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9122

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 712

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


pwf.DN - Contains the directory number

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPRIMARY - Contains the primary E.164 associate with the N:1 association (DDI without + prefix and country code) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for associate/disassociate

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HscSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT Associate a Voice Mail Pilot Number with a Site  
conf t

voice translation-rule 9121

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}\\\\({{
pwf.RGMASK }}\\\\)/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }}\\\\1/ type national

voice translation-rule 9122

rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{
pwf.DDIPREFIX }}\\\\({{ pwf.RGMASK }}\\\\)/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX
}}\\\\1/ type unknown unknown


pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the voice mail pilot number prefix (without the mask digits)

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for voice mail pilot association

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HscSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT Disassociate a Voice Mail Pilot Number from a Site  
conf t

voice translation-rule 9121

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


conf t

voice translation-rule 9122

no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }}


pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the voice mail pilot number prefix (without the mask digits)

pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a backslash escape character if the DNPREFIX contains a +

pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range mask for prefix (for example if range is 100, then the value is ..)

pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI (E.164) prefix (DDI without + prefix, country code, or mask digits) Note: this still contains the national code (area code)

pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National Trunk Prefix for the country associated with the site

pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code for the country associated with the site

pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN breakout associated with the country associated with the site

pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the appropriate rule index for voice mail pilot association