Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events, IOS Commands, and Variables

Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events

Default IOS Commands Notes
HcsAddIOSDeviceEVT An IOS Device is added.  
conf t

voice service VoIP

no IP address trusted authenticate


fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback
pass-through g711ulaw

modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw

voice class codec 1

codec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 30

codec preference 2 g711ulaw

codec preference 3 g711alaw

If you are generating the command for VG350 analog gateway, remove y from the generated commands, and then paste it to the analog gateway console.
Default IOS Commands
HcsDeleteIOSDeviceEVT An IOS Device is deleted.
conf t
no voice service VoIP
no voice class codec 1
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEVT An Analog Gateway is added.  
conf t

stcapp ccm-group 1


stcapp feature access-code

stcapp feature speed-dial

sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}


bind interface {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

sccp ccm group 1

{{ macro.HcsAnalogGwCommandForCCMIdentAndAssocMCR }} ccm-manager
config server {{ fn.one macro.HcsCucmsAssociatedToNDLRMCR}}

ccm-manager sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}

ccm-manager sccp


pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface - This is the physical device network interface (Ethernet Port) for the analog gateway.
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT An Endpoint is added for the Analog Gateway.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

caller-id enable

timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string
pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }}

cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }}

signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}}

no shutdown

dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

service stcapp

port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout - Time in seconds for which a connection is maintained after the completion of a communication exchange.

pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is the call progress tone of the country that supports each analog device in the gateway.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT An Endpoint Module is added for the Analog Gateway.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

caller-id enable

timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string
pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }}

cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }}

signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}}

no shutdown

dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

service stcapp

port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is the call progress tone of the country that supports each analog device in the gateway.

pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout - Time in seconds for which a connection is maintained after the completion of a communication exchange.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEVT An Analog Gateway is deleted.
conf t
no stcapp
no ccm-manager sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}
no ccm-manager sccp
no sccp
no sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }}
no sccp ccm group 1
Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT An Analog Gateway Endpoint is deleted.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

no caller-id enable

no timeouts call-disconnect

no cptone

no signal


no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.

Default IOS Commands Available Variables
HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT An Analog Gateway Endpoint Module is deleted.  
conf t

voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}

no caller-id enable

no timeouts call-disconnect

no cptone

no signal


no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots

no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }}


pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS port number of the analog gateway device.

pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the dial peer number we use to generate dial peer. It starts from 4 for the first dial peer, and increase by 1 for the next one.