Delete Subscribers

Use this procedure to delete one or more subscribers.


  1. Log in as a customer or site level administrator. If you are logged on as the customer administrator for a specific site you can see all the fields described in this procedure. If you are logged in as the site administrator, you can see a subset of the fields that are available on the interface.
  2. Choose a site from the hierarchy breadcrumb.
  3. Choose Subscriber Management > Subscribers.
  4. Choose the subscriber to be deleted by selecting the check box in the leftmost column, then click Delete.
  5. From the popup window, click Yes to confirm the deletion.


For scenarios that include an LDAP-integrated Cisco Unified Communications Manager, the process for deleting a user is from the LDAP directory and not from the VOSS-4-UC system. Set up a data sync to synchronize the removal of the user.

When the delete action is complete, the Subscriber disappears from the list. All elements associated with the Subscriber are deleted, except Lines.