Create and Update a User

Use this procedure to manually create a user.


  1. Log in as the administrator at the hierarchy node where you want to create the user.
  2. Choose User Management > Users.
  3. Click Add.
  4. At a minimum, complete the following fields:
Fields Description
Username Sign-in username. This field is mandatory.
Entitlement Profile Choose the entitlement profile that specifies which devices and services the user is entitled to.
Role Choose the user’s role. This field is mandatory.

Choose the user’s language.


If no language is selected, the language is inherited from the nearest hierarchy node (at or above the user) that has a default language configured. If no default language is configured anywhere in the hierarchy at or above the user, the user’s language is English.


If a language is manually set for a user, that language remains unchanged even if the user is moved to a new place in the hierarchy. However, if the language is inherited, then the user’s language changes when the user is moved to a hierarchy node that has a different default language.

Surname User’s family name. This field is mandatory.
Email Address User email address.
  1. Click Save. The user is created.


  • If SSO is enabled for the hierarchy node where the user is added, the corresponding SSO user is created.
  • IdPs are not configured at the site hierarchy node. Therefore, you can enable SSO for a user created at the site level only by performing these steps. Choose Single Sign On > SSO User, click Add, and choose the IdP that can authenticate the user.


If the user password is updated, user passwords on Unified CM, Unity and WebEx are also updated if these have been provisioned for the user.


Since different UC apps can have different password strictness rules, the update transaction will only succeed if the strictness rules of all the UC apps have been met. Otherwise, the update transaction will roll back.

Administrators should therefore choose a password that meets the requirements of all the UC apps.