Create a Site

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Make sure that the hierarchy is set to the customer for whom you are creating the site.
  3. Choose Site Management > Sites.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Complete the following fields:
Option Description
Site Name

The name of the site. This field is mandatory.


Any spaces in the site name are converted to underscores in the site local administrator name and email, if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.

When migrating a customer location to a site, an NDL is not selected for the site. You can set the NDL for the site later.

Description A description for the site
Create Local Admin Controls whether a default local administrator is created for the site.
Cloned Admin Role The customer role used to create a new role prefixed with the site name. The created site role, shown in the Default Admin Role field, is assigned to the default local administrator user. This field appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Default Admin Role The created site role that is assigned to the default local administrator. This field is read-only and appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Default Admin Password The password to assign to the default local administrator. This field appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Repeat Default Admin Password Confirm the default local administrator password. This field appears only if the Create Local Admin check box is selected.
Country Select the Country from a drop-down of countries. This field is mandatory.
Network Device List Choose the NDL containing the UC applications and WebEx to be used by the site. Once an NDL has been set for the site, it cannot be removed from the site, nor can the NDL be changed to another NDL.
  1. Click Save.

Once saved, the following occurs:

  • A Site hierarchy node is created.
  • A Location is created.
  • Optionally, a default site administrator is created.