Landing Pages

This is the user’s home page, which is seen when the user logs in and then uses the application Home button.

The landing page configuration options provide an opportunity to set up short-cut links to frequently used functionality, and to enhance the look and feel on the user’s GUI. Images and links can be added in vertical or horizontal patterns with unlimited boxes and shortcuts which can then be assigned to a user’s role.

A default page is loaded in the system and associated to pre-defined roles in the hierarchy, for example Provider, Customer, and Site administrators.

These editable configurations provide an easy mechanism to define direct links to areas in the system which can be used as short-cuts by the administrators in line with their role.

Existing images can be used or new images can be added in line with branded look and feel.

Landing pages can also be copied via the Clone option so they can be edited or exported and re-imported.

For designers with access to the tag function, this enables the landing page to be uniquely identified and a tag version can be applied to track and control changes.

The CSS of the Theme can be used to control the layout of the landing page.

Refer to the Best Practices Guide for additional details.