Key Settings for Data Sync

A number of key settings that are available for data sync:

  • Model Type lists - define which entities to pull in a given sync (for example, only pull in device/cucm/User records from Cisco Unified CM).
  • Model Instance filters - limit a sync to a subset of entities in a sync (for example, pull in users with a primary extension starting with 1). This setting requires a system level administrator to expose it on the GUI.
  • Actions - select which actions (Add/Update/Delete) are active for a sync. Update tends to be the most effort to run, because for most systems this involves a GET API call for each record and comparing to our data. Add/Del can be determined from the initial list API calls. If you are really only need the Add and/or Del action, then disabling the Update action will likely save considerable time on the sync.
  • Quick Import - use the list API responses to update the VOSS-4-UC cache and will not do individual GET calls for each entity for the update. This works well where the list response contains all the values for the entity or only key settings need to be updated. The removal of all the individual GETs means the sync occurs much faster, because VOSS-4-UC is not waiting for the API responses when there are a many entities to update. This is useful if the list and GET responses are needed or if you only need the summary data from the list view.


The Quick Import option is not recommended in most cases, but should only be used for the sync of device/cuc/ImportUser. However, initially there is an exception to the performance improvement of a quick import sync with device/cuc/User:

When quick import is turned on on a sync which has previously run without it, dependent, non-Import User model types use the LIST response data to compare with the resource data which was originally saved using the GET response data. The data sync detects a change and a resource save is initiated for each instance. In the case of device/cuc/User, this means that dependent import API calls are made, which result in a long sync time.

Once it has completed, however, subsequent quick import syncs should show an improvement over non-quick import syncs, but when changing back to a non-quick import sync, the same effect would likely be observed.