Data Export

Data can be exported in JSON format and as MS Excel spreadsheets.

The system JSON file format is used to Export and Import various operations on model instances. The operations available via JSON files are: Add, Modify, Delete. This Import and Export task is carried out from the GUI or API using the file Export and Import functionality.

The JSON file format for the different operations is available from the Action button on the GUI form of the specific model and choosing JSON as Export format from the drop-down list on the Export menu. The API provides a request URL and parameter for this task - refer to the API documentation. The export file format is a compressed JSON file. The import filename and format can be <filename>.JSON, <filename> or <filename>.JSON.gz.

The Excel file format for data export of selected items can be carried out in the list or instance view of a model.

The commands are available from the Action button on the GUI form by choosing either Excel or Excel (formatted) from the drop-down list on the Export menu. The API provides a request URL and parameter for this task - refer to the API documentation. The export file format is a MS Excel XLSX file.

The Field Display Policy that applies to a menu item from which an Excel (formatted) export of data is carried out, is reflected in the Excel (formatted) exported sheet as follows:

  • Titles of attributes
  • Sequence of the attributes
  • Group names
  • Hidden fields, with the exception of mandatory fields.