Site Management

For common details on managing a feature, see: Manage a Feature or Service and Feature Detail Dashboard.

The Site Management landing page provides an overview of the items and tasks available at the Organization Selection level:

  • Counter that indicates the number of Sites at the selected level.
  • Quick Actions that provide the following hyperlinks:
    • View Sites - Also provides an option to add and delete sites.
    • Site Defaults - Lists all site default values available at the selected level.

Site Defaults

Site Defaults provide the default values for many tasks undertaken while onboarding, and are not limited to the Subscriber Management tasks. When a site is created, a site defaults instance is created on that site with the same name as the site. Many of the attributes in this data model contain default values when this instance is created.

When a Cisco HCS site dial plan is created, the site defaults on that site are updated. The updated defaults are dial plan-related attributes that are affected by the site dial plan that was deployed. If these specific site defaults attributes already had values before the site dial plan was deployed, they are overwritten. When the site dial plan is removed, these same attributes are reset (set to empty string) in the site defaults.

Modify Site Defaults

Access the relevant view, add, or edit form as described in Features and Services Interfaces.

Take note of the following additional information for the fields on the tabs below:

General Defaults Tab

Field Remarks
Name Should be the same name as the site. Only one instance of site defaults exists for a site.
Default Network Locale Contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phones and gateways use at the specific location.
Default User Locale Identifies a set of detailed information to support users at the specific location, including language and font.
Default CUC Subscriber Populated by the Voice Mail Template workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
Default CUC Phone System Populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.

Device Defaults Tab

Field Remarks
Default CUCM Phone Line E164 Mask  
Default CUCM Device Profile Line E164 Mask These E164 mask values will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile Line E164 Mask  

CUC Defaults Tab

Option Default Value
Default CUC Phone System Populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
Default CUC Subscriber Template Populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
Default CUC TimeZone You can manually enter a valid timezone index value in this field, for example 035 for (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada). Note that the code entered must already be installed on the Cisco Unity Connection server associated to this site.
Default CUC Language You can manually enter a valid Locale ID (LCID) value for the language in this field, for example 1036 for French - France. Note that the code entered must already be installed on the Cisco Unity Connection server associated to this site.