Associate a Range of E.164 Numbers to a Range of Directory Numbers

Use this procedure to associate a range of E.164 numbers with a range of directory numbers (DN) at a customer or site. These associations create Direct Dial Inward (DDI) associations so that incoming PSTN numbers are routed to directory numbers.

If you create the association at a site, you can mix customer-level DNs and E.164 numbers with site-level DNs and E.164 numbers.


  • In VOSS-4-UC, the event related to SIP Local Gateway is generated as a result.
  • Only DNs or E.164 numbers that are not currently associated are available for association.


  1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy path to point to the customer or site where you want to associate E.164 numbers with directory numbers.
  3. Choose Dial Plan Management > Number Management > E164 Associations (N to N DN).
  4. Click Add.
  5. Provide the following information:
Field Description

Select one of these ranges:


The range values you select map to the mask value when the association translation pattern is created. For example, when 10 is selected, all E.164 numbers and directory numbers that end in 0 are listed. The mask affects all digits 0 to 9, so you can’t start the mask on a nonzero number. Likewise, when 100 is selected, the E.164 number and DN end in two zeros. This pattern results in a mask of XX.

  • 1 - To list all E.164 numbers and DNs
  • 10 - To list all E.164 numbers and DNs that end in one zero (0)
  • 100 - To list all E.164 numbers and DNs that end in two zeros (00)
  • 1000 - To list all E.164 numbers and DNs that end in three zeros (000)

This field is mandatory and affects what appears in the fields that follow.

E164 Number Choose the starting number of the range of E.164 numbers from the drop-down menu. For a customer-level association, only customer-level E.164 numbers are available. For a site-level configuration, both customer-level and site-level E.164 numbers are available. This field is mandatory.
DN Number

Choose the starting extension number from the drop-down menu. This field is mandatory.


You cannot associate extension numbers that begin with the prefix ‘*’ (asterisk) or ‘#” (hash).

  1. Click Save.
    • When listing the Directory Number Inventory and displaying a directory number, the E.164 Number format is as listed in View Directory Number Inventory.
    • For a site-level association, a translation pattern that is used to route inbound PSTN calls to their associated DNs is created on the Unified CM. This pattern is the mapping between the E.164 range and DN range.
    • For a customer-level association, a translation pattern is created on each Unified CM cluster that has a dial plan provisioned.
    • For a site-level association, if the site has one or more SIP Local Gateways associated with it, the HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.
    • For a customer-level association, if the E.164 number has the same country as any SIP Local Gateway configured for the customer, the HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.