
Model: view/BulkAddSubscriberFromProfile

View to add multiple Subscribers using a Service Profile.

Model Details

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n]
  • Type: Array
CUCM bkey Business Key of the CUCM.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
Username * Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].username
  • Type: String
First Name First name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].firstname
  • Type: String
Last Name * Last name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].lastname
  • Type: String
Email Address * Email address of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$
Mobile Number Mobile number of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].mobile_number
  • Type: String
Use next available line Use the next available line from the inventory.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].automatic_line
  • Type: Boolean
Line The line number to use for this subscriber.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].line
  • Type: String
Subscriber Profile * The profile to use for subscriber configuration.
  • Field Name: subscribers.[n].subscriber_profile
  • Type: String
API reference for view/BulkAddSubscriberFromProfile