
Model: view/AddExtensionMobility

View to add an Extension Mobility Profile for an existing Subscriber.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Cisco UCM Server Business Key of the CUCM. If not specified the workflow will attempt to find the correct UCM server based on Customer or Site.
  • Field Name: cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
Username Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
Device Type * Device type of the Extension Mobility Profile.
  • Field Name: device_type
  • Type: String
Profile Template Phone template to use for feature configuration settings.
  • Field Name: template_name
  • Type: String
Profile Name * Name of the phone.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Line Template Line template to use for configuration settings.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].template_name
  • Type: String
Directory Number * Directory Number of line to assign.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Label Label to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].label
  • Type: String
Display Display to use for this line.
  • Field Name: lines.[n].display
  • Type: String
API reference for view/AddExtensionMobility