
Model: relation/HcsLocationREL



Use locations to implement call admission control in a centralized call-processing system. Call admission control enables you to regulate audio quality and video availability by limiting the amount of bandwidth that is available for audio and video calls over links between the locations.


Locations are different from Sites. Locations are used by Cisco Unified CM to manage call admission control. Sites are used by VOSS-4-UC to logically group resources.


  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Make sure that the hierarchy path is set to a customer or site level.
  3. If prompted, select the NDL that contains the Cisco Unified CM on which you are configuring the Location.
  4. Perform one of the following:
  5. Click Add.
  6. On the Location Information tab, enter the Name of the Location. This field is mandatory.
  7. Click the Intra-Location tab, and complete at minimum, the mandatory Intra-Location Fields.
  8. Click the Between Locations tab, and complete at minimum, the mandatory Between Locations Fields.
  9. Click the RSVP Settings tab, and complete at minimum, the mandatory RSVP Settings Fields.
  10. Click Save.

Intra-Location Fields

Field Description
Audio Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead. Valid values are 0 to 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth. This field is mandatory.

Note: To improve audio quality, lower the bandwidth setting, so fewer active calls are allowed on this link.

Video Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead. Valid values are 1

Valid values are 1 through 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth and 1 means no bandwidth. Setting the value to 1 means you cannot make video calls within this location. This field is mandatory.

Immersive Video Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of immersive video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all immersive video calls on the link within this location. For video calls, the immersive video bandwidth does not include overhead.

Valid values are 1 through 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth and 1 means no bandwidth. Setting the value to 1 means you cannot make immersive video calls within this location. This field is mandatory.

Between Locations Fields

Field Description
Location Select a location from the list. This field is mandatory.
Weight Enter the relative priority of this link in forming the Effective Path between any pair of Locations. The Effective Path has the least cumulative Weight of all possible paths. Valid values are 0-100. This field is mandatory.
Audio Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead.

Valid values are 0 to 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth. You can also select Unlimited Bandwidth. This field is mandatory.

Video Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead.

Valid values are 1 through 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth and 1 means no bandwidth. You can also select Unlimited Bandwidth or None. Setting the value to None means you cannot make video calls between this location and other locations. This field is mandatory.

Immersive Video Bandwidth

Enter the maximum amount of immersive video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all immersive video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the immersive video bandwidth does not include overhead.

Valid values are 1 through 2147483647, where 0 means unlimited bandwidth and 1 means no bandwidth. You can also select Unlimited Bandwidth or None. Setting the value to None means you cannot make immersive video calls between this location and other locations. This field is mandatory.

RSVP Settings Fields

Field Description
Location To change the RSVP policy setting between the current location and a location that displays in this pane, choose a location in this pane. This field is mandatory.
RSVP Setting

To choose an RSVP policy setting between the current location and the location that is chosen in the Location pane at left, choose an RSVP setting from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory.

Choose from the following available settings:

  • Use System Default - The RSVP policy for the location pair matches the clusterwide RSVP policy. See topics related to clusterwide default RSVP policy in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide for details:
    • No Reservation - No RSVP reservations can get made between any two locations.
    • Optional (Video Desired) - A call can proceed as a best-effort audio-only call if failure to obtain reservations for both audio and video streams occurs. RSVP Agent continues to attempt RSVP reservation and informs Cisco Unified Communications Manager if reservation succeeds.
    • Mandatory - Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not ring the terminating device until RSVP reservation succeeds for the audio stream and, if the call is a video call, for the video stream too.
    • Mandatory (Video Desired) - A video call can proceed as an audio-only call if a reservation for the video stream cannot be reserved.

This relation wraps the default CUCM Location element.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Between Locations
  • Field Name: betweenLocations
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Between Location
  • Field Name: betweenLocation.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Location * Enter the name of the new location that you are creating. Three system locations are predefined: Hub_None— Hub_None is an example location that typically serves as a hub linking two or more locations. It is configured by default with unlimited intra-location bandwidth allocations for audio, video, and immersive bandwidth, but you can specify bandwidth allocations for each of these. By default, devices not assigned to other locations are assigned to Hub_None. Note    The location that is configured in a device pool takes precedence over the location configured in the device when the location in the device is set to Hub_None. If the device location is set to any other user-defined location, standard rules apply and the device parameter takes priority. Phantom—Phantom location specifies unlimited audio bandwidth, unlimited video bandwidth, and unlimited immersive video bandwidth.. Specify this location to allow successful call admission control for calls across inter-cluster trunks that use the H.323 protocol or SIP trunks to certain destinations that support the earlier Location CAC feature. Note    Both Hub_None and Phantom locations do allow configuration of the associated RSVP policy setting(s). Shadow—Shadow is a system location created for inter-cluster Enhanced Location CAC. In order to pass location information across clusters, the SIP ICT must be assigned to the system location Shadow.
  • Field Name: betweenLocations.betweenLocation.[n].locationName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Location
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Immersive Bandwidth * Enter the maximum amount of immersive video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all immersive video calls on the link within this location. For video calls, the immersive video bandwidth does not include overhead. Choose among the following options: None—The system does not allow immersive video calls between this location and other locations. Immersive video calls can, however, take place within this location. Specified bandwidth—Specify an immersive video bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified immersive video bandwidth. The default value specifies 384 kb/s. Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button. Default: 384
  • Field Name: betweenLocations.betweenLocation.[n].immersiveBandwidth
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 384
  • Choices: ["None", "Unlimited"]
Weight * Enter the relative priority of this link in forming the Effective Path between any pair of Locations. The Effective Path has the least cumulative Weight of all possible paths. Valid values are 0-100. Default: 50
  • Field Name: betweenLocations.betweenLocation.[n].weight
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 50
Video Bandwidth (kbps) * Enter the maximum amount of video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead. Choose among the following options: None—The system does not allow video calls between this location and other locations. Specified bandwidth—Specify a video bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified video bandwidth. The default value specifies 384 kb/s. Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button. Default: 384
  • Field Name: betweenLocations.betweenLocation.[n].videoBandwidth
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 384
  • Choices: ["None", "Unlimited"]
blank * Enter the maximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead. Choose between the following options: Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button. Specified bandwidth—Specify a bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified bandwidth. Valid values are 1 to 2147483647. For purposes of location bandwidth calculations only, assume that each call stream consumes the following amount of bandwidth: G.711 call uses 80 kb/s. G.722 call uses 80 kb/s. G.723 call uses 24 kb/s. G.728 call uses 16 kb/s. G.729 call uses 24 kb/s. GSM call uses 29 kb/s. Wideband call uses 272 kb/s. Note    To improve audio quality, lower the bandwidth setting, so fewer active calls are allowed on this link.
  • Field Name: betweenLocations.betweenLocation.[n].audioBandwidth
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Choices: ["Unlimited"]
Name * Enter the name of the new location that you are creating. Three system locations are predefined: Hub_None— Hub_None is an example location that typically serves as a hub linking two or more locations. It is configured by default with unlimited intra-location bandwidth allocations for audio, video, and immersive bandwidth, but you can specify bandwidth allocations for each of these. By default, devices not assigned to other locations are assigned to Hub_None. Note    The location that is configured in a device pool takes precedence over the location configured in the device when the location in the device is set to Hub_None. If the device location is set to any other user-defined location, standard rules apply and the device parameter takes priority. Phantom—Phantom location specifies unlimited audio bandwidth, unlimited video bandwidth, and unlimited immersive video bandwidth.. Specify this location to allow successful call admission control for calls across inter-cluster trunks that use the H.323 protocol or SIP trunks to certain destinations that support the earlier Location CAC feature. Note    Both Hub_None and Phantom locations do allow configuration of the associated RSVP policy setting(s). Shadow—Shadow is a system location created for inter-cluster Enhanced Location CAC. In order to pass location information across clusters, the SIP ICT must be assigned to the system location Shadow.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Related Locations
  • Field Name: relatedLocations
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Related Location
  • Field Name: relatedLocation.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Location Name * To change the RSVP policy setting between the current location and a location that displays in this pane, choose a location in this pane.
  • Field Name: relatedLocations.relatedLocation.[n].locationName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/cucm/Location
  • Target attr: name
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
Rsvp Setting * To choose an RSVP policy setting between the current location and the location that is chosen in the Location pane at left, choose an RSVP setting from the drop-down list box. Choose from the following available settings: Use System Default—The RSVP policy for the location pair matches the clusterwide RSVP policy. No Reservation—No RSVP reservations can get made between any two locations. Optional (Video Desired)—A call can proceed as a best-effort audio-only call if failure to obtain reservations for both audio and video streams occurs. RSVP Agent continues to attempt RSVP reservation and informs Cisco Unified Communications Manager if reservation succeeds. Mandatory— Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not ring the terminating device until RSVP reservation succeeds for the audio stream and, if the call is a video call, for the video stream as well. Mandatory (Video Desired)—A video call can proceed as an audio-only call if a reservation for the video stream cannot be reserved.
  • Field Name: relatedLocations.relatedLocation.[n].rsvpSetting
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Choices: ["Use System Default", "No Reservation", "Optional(Video Desired)", "Mandatory", "Mandatory(Video Desired)", "Allow Subscription", "Disallow Subscription"]
blank * Enter the maximum amount of immersive video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all immersive video calls on the link within this location. For video calls, the immersive video bandwidth does not include overhead. Choose among the following options: None—The system does not allow immersive video calls between this location and other locations. Immersive video calls can, however, take place within this location. Specified bandwidth—Specify an immersive video bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified immersive video bandwidth. The default value specifies 384 kb/s. Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button.
  • Field Name: withinImmersiveKbits
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
blank * Enter the maximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead. Choose between the following options: Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button. Specified bandwidth—Specify a bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified bandwidth. Valid values are 1 to 2147483647. For purposes of location bandwidth calculations only, assume that each call stream consumes the following amount of bandwidth: G.711 call uses 80 kb/s. G.722 call uses 80 kb/s. G.723 call uses 24 kb/s. G.728 call uses 16 kb/s. G.729 call uses 24 kb/s. GSM call uses 29 kb/s. Wideband call uses 272 kb/s. Note    To improve audio quality, lower the bandwidth setting, so fewer active calls are allowed on this link.
  • Field Name: withinAudioBandwidth
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
blank * Enter the maximum amount of video bandwidth (in kb/s) that is available for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead. Choose among the following options: None—The system does not allow video calls between this location and other locations. Specified bandwidth—Specify a video bandwidth by clicking the radio button next to the kb/s box and entering a specified video bandwidth. The default value specifies 384 kb/s. Unlimited bandwidth—Click the Unlimited radio button.
  • Field Name: withinVideoBandwidth
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Field Name: shadow.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Name *
  • Field Name: shadow.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
API reference for relation/HcsLocationREL