
Model: device/cuc/PortGroupCodec

Model Details

Title Description Details
Codecs URI The URI to get the available codecs.
  • Field Name: CodecsURI
  • Type: String
Media Port Group Object Id * The unique identifier of the MediaPortGroup object that is mapped to the specified RtpCodecDef. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: MediaPortGroupObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/PortGroup
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
Object Id Primary key - template parameter [2]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Rtp Codec Def Object Id The unique identifier of the RtpCodecDefinition object that is mapped to the specified MediaPortGroup.
  • Field Name: RtpCodecDefObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Port Group URI
  • Field Name: PortGroupURI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Preferred Packet Size Ms Specifies the default packet size (in milliseconds) when negotiating this codec for SIP. The setting is used in the following situations: 1) No incoming SDP ptime attribute in incoming SDP offer. 2) Cisco Unity Connection initiated SDP offer. If the other party in the SIP negotiation provides a ptime attribute in the SDP before Cisco Unity Connection has a chance to do it, Cisco Unity Connection honors the request and this setting does not come into play.
  • Field Name: PreferredPacketSizeMs
  • Type: Integer
Preference Preference ranking for this codec relative to other codecs supported for the port group. Lowest value of Preference is the most preferred.
  • Field Name: Preference
  • Type: Integer
Rtp Codec Def Display Name Codec name displayed to end user
  • Field Name: RtpCodecDefDisplayName
  • Type: String
API reference for device/cuc/PortGroupCodec