
Model: device/cuc/ImportUser

Model Details

Title Description Details
ImportedUserId The URI of the local CUC User once the "promote" operation has been executed
  • Field Name: ImportedUserId
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: lastName
  • Type: String
Mailbox Store Object Id Query parameter
  • Field Name: MailboxStoreObjectId
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/MailboxStore
  • Target attr: ObjectId
  • Format: uri
ldapUserPkid * The PKID of the un-promoted LDAP user
  • Field Name: ldapUserPkid
  • Type: String
Template Alias * Query parameter
  • Field Name: templateAlias
  • Type: ["String"]
  • Target: device/cuc/UserTemplate
  • Target attr: Alias
  • Format: uri
Dtmf Access Id *
  • Field Name: dtmfAccessId
  • Type: String
Alias *
  • Field Name: alias
  • Type: String
Phone Number
  • Field Name: phoneNumber
  • Type: String
API reference for device/cuc/ImportUser