
Model: data/LineDeletion_Prefs_DAT

Line Delete Preferences

When deleting a phone, device profile or remote destination profile from VOSS-4-UC, the line or lines (Cisco Unified CM lines) in use by the phones or devices are not automatically deleted.

Line Delete Preferences provides the ability, for a reseller administrator (or higher) to control whether the lines are deleted when deleting the phone or device, or updated (using values contained in a specified configuration template).

A new menu (default = Customizations > Line Delete Preferences) allows the configuration of the following:

When a phone, device profile or remote destination profile is deleted the following logic applies:

Allow deletion of a line is enabled

Allow update of a line is enabled


To determine the user associated with a phone, the owner ID must be set on the deleted phone.

Affected Models

line deletion options

Model Details

Title Description Details
Allow Line Deletion if unused
  • Field Name: allowLineDeletion
  • Type: Boolean
Allow Line Update after Device Deletion
  • Field Name: allowLineUpdate
  • Type: Boolean
Line Update Configuration Template name
  • Field Name: lineUpdateCft
  • Type: String
API reference for data/LineDeletion_Prefs_DAT