
Model: data/EmailHtmlTemplate


Provider administrators can test email messages and manage email templates if an email SMTP server is set up and the setting is enabled in Global Settings. See: SMTP Server and Global Settings.

Send Test Email

This option allows for an email message to be sent from and to a specified email address and by selecting an email HTML template to test in the email body.

Email HTML Templates

Email templates contain placeholders for the email subject and body text, which is in HTML markup. The HTML markup and can be modified as required (for example by using an external WYSIWYG HTML editor).

To modify a template for a specific hierarchy, clone the default to the hierarchy.

When adding a HTML template from the list view, the Name can only be "Test Email Template" or "Quick Add Subscriber".

By default, the following email templates are provided:

Values from the Quick Add Subscriber input form can be used to populate the template by adding variables to the HTML template. The following variables are available for the template:

Field name on input form Variable available in HTML
Username: {{ pwf.EMAIL.username }}
First name: {{ pwf.EMAIL.firstname }}
Last name: {{ pwf.EMAIL.lastname }}
One time password: {{ pwf.EMAIL.password }}
One time PIN: {{ pwf.EMAIL.pin }}
Email: {{ pwf.EMAIL.email }}
Extension: {{ pwf.EMAIL.extension_number }}
Mobile Number: {{ pwf.EMAIL.mobile_number }}
Entitlement Profile: {{ pwf.EMAIL.entitlement_profile }}
Phone Type: {{ pwf.EMAIL.phone_type }}
Phone Names: {{ pwf.EMAIL.phone_names }}
Jabber Device Names: {{ pwf.EMAIL.jabber_names }}

Therefore, you can for example include user details as follows in your HTML template:

<p>Username: {{ pwf.EMAIL.username }}</p>
<p>First name: {{ pwf.EMAIL.firstname }}</p>
<p>Last name: {{ pwf.EMAIL.lastname }}</p>

Manage HTML email templates.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Name * Name of the Email HTML Template.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Quick Add Subscriber", "Test Email Template"]
Description Description of the Email HTML Template.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
From Email address From Email address.
  • Field Name: from
  • Type: String
  • Format: email
Subject * Subject of the email.
  • Field Name: subject
  • Type: String
HTML Template * HTML Email Template. An online tool can be used to setup the template. Simply copy and paste the HTML in this text area.
  • Field Name: html_template
  • Type: String
API reference for data/EmailHtmlTemplate