Upgrade Notes for VOSS-4-UC 19.3.3

Upgrade Overview

In a new release, there are a number of changes that could relate to exposing new features or capabilities in the system. The default out of the box system would expose these. However, on a system where the configuration around the user experience has been applied, this might mean some changes to configured menus, display policies, and so on to expose the new features in your setup.

Where relevant, we have included this information with the feature information to assist in planning for configuration changes as part of the upgrades. This setup could vary.


  • For Release 19.3.3, there is no upgrade procedure with an ISO.

    Follow the upgrade procedure in the Upgrade Guide with Delta Bundle.


EKB-3868 Disable support for limit=0 queries on the API: The limit=0 API parameter is not available anymore, and any API call containing this parameter value will fail. Please update any customizations that use this value.

EKB-5216: Configure gunicorn to recycle workers

This feature causes the API server to trigger worker restarts that should be transparent to any API client. However, it should be noted that the worker restart will wait for requests currently running to complete and will not accept new requests until it restarts. Under normal conditions this isn’t a problem at all since we have 4 workers per node in the cluster and it’s unlikely all 4 of them would be servicing a long running request and required to restart at the same time. The restart interval is random between 0 and 600 requests per worker and is unlikely to be triggered at the same time.

The limit of 600 is chosen based on a data from a busy customer system processing about 2000-3000 requests an hour. Each of the 4 workers would receive about 600 requests per hour which means the workers will recycle about every hour. This is only slightly less than 100 minute timeout on any given request. In reality, there are no 100min requests. The longest ones are 10-20 minutes, but they are timed out by the GUI before then. Ideally, we would make the timeout lower than 100 minutes to something like 10 minutes, but this might cause some external clients that execute bulkloads or other long running transactions synchronously over the API.

VOSS-687: Adds Extension Mobility feature in Business Admin Portal for 19.3.3


This feature introduces a new menu item for managing Extension Mobility (Device Profiles) in both Business Admin Portal and Admin Portal. In addition to Adding, Modifying and Deleting Device Profiles this feature also provides the ability to either Associate or Disassociate the Device Profile to or from up to 5 Subscribers. If Association to more than 5 Subscribers is required then this needs to be done by selecting each required Subscriber from the Subscriber menu and adding or removing the Device Profile manually.

Business Admin Portal Profiles

“Extension Mobility” can now be enabled or disabled on the “Base” tab. Once enabled, a new tab “Extension Mobility” will become available which contains the feature specific permissions. The default Business Admin Portal Profiles, namely “default”, “Full Access” and “Read Only”, have been updated to enable Extension Mobility.

Access Profiles

Review the default ProviderAdminAP for permission examples for the following model types:

  • relation/SubscriberDeviceProfile

Field Display Policy (FDP)

An FDP has been added which should be applied directly in the menu item.

  • Name: SubscriberDeviceProfileMenuItem
  • Target Model Type: relation/SubscriberDeviceProfile

A Business Admin Portal specific FDP has also been added which will be applied in the Business Admin Portal Profiles. Review the default Business Admin Portal Profiles, namely “default”, “Full Access” and “Read Only”, for configuration examples.

  • Name: BusinessAdminDeviceProfileFDP

EKB-4570: Generic DialPlan: Add DialPlan MultiCluster push Support


This feature adds the ability to Push and Remove a Dial Plan to/from multiple Unified CM Clusters in a single step.

Access Profiles

Review the default ENTProviderAdminAP for permission examples for the following model types:

  • view/DP_MultiCluster_Maintenance_VIEW

Menu Layout

Review the default ENTProviderMenu for configuration examples for the following items.

  • Multi-Cluster Dial Plan Maintenance