Reset Your Password

You can only reset your password if you have already provided answers to the security questions created by your administrator. See “Configure Your Password Reset Questions” if required.

If you forget your password while attempting to log in to VOSS-4-UC:

  1. Enter your username in the Username field on the Log in screen.
  2. Click the Forgot Password? hyperlink located below the Log in button.
  3. Enter your username again.
  4. Click Reset my password.
  5. Click in each security question field and type the correct answer.
  6. Click in the New password field and type your new password. Refer to Minimum Password Length and Enable Password Complexity Validation fields under Deploy a Customized Credential Policy if required.
  7. Click in the Repeat password field and re-type your new password.
  8. Click Reset my password. Your password is changed.
  9. Click the Login hyperlink if you want to attempt to log in again.