Create a Configuration Template

  1. Choose the hierarchy level of the source model.

  2. Open the menu item at its list view.

  3. Click the Configuration Template button on the button bar.

  4. Enter the Name and Description, and verify the Target Model Type.

  5. If the Configuration Template will be used along with other Configuration Templates that apply to the same Target Model Type in a Provisioning Workflow, select the Merge Strategy to be applied when these Configuration templates are merged in the workflow:

    • Additive - if the Data Type of the Target Model is an array, the Configuration Template will add an array item to any existing array.
    • Replace - if the Data Type of the Target Model is an array, the Configuration Template will replace the array item of any existing array.
  6. If required for model attributes that are arrays, add Foreach Elements (by clicking Add) for each:

    1. Enter a Property that is the model array attribute to which the entry applies.
    2. Enter a Macro List to loop over. A macro list opens with {# and closes with #}.
    3. Enter a Context Variable name to store the current loop value of the macro list.

    The Context Variable is referenced as a macro with the cft prefix in the Configuration Template value for the array attribute, so that for each instance in the list loop, an array entry is created when the template is applied. For example: {{}} Configuration Templates that are part of Provisioning Workflows can reference spreadsheet column values using the input syntax: {{input.[entity attribute]}}, for example, {{input.username}}.

  7. In the Target Model Type section, enter (default) values for those displayed attributes that these should be applied to when the template is used in conjunction with the target model. If the user has access to macros, the values can be macros to determine values.

  8. Click Save on the button bar to create and save the Configuration Template.

The created Configuration Template is available to be applied to the model by for example using it in a Menu Layout or Provisioning Workflow.