Add a Call Pickup Group

Use this procedure to add a call pickup group in VOSS-4-UC.

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy to the Customer or Site level.

  3. Choose the Network Device List only if you have set the hierarchy to Customer level. For Site level this step is not required.

  4. Choose Subscriber Management > Call Pickup Groups.

  5. Click Add on the button bar to open the Call Pickup Groups input form.

  6. On the Call Pickup Group tab, enter the Name and a Description.

  7. From the Call Pickup Group Number drop-down, choose the pickup group pilot number.

  8. From the Route Partition Name drop-down, choose the required route partition.

  9. From the Pickup Notification drop-down, choose the method (No Alert, Audio Alert, Visual Alert or Audio and Visual Alert, and then enter the required Pickup Notification Timer period (in seconds).

  10. If the Call Pickup Group is associated with other pickup groups, click the + next to Call Pickup Groups to expose the Pickup Group Name. This allows users to pick up incoming calls in a group that is associated with their own group.

    Note that the first member is automatically added, so there is no need to specify the first member as itself in an Add request.

    1. For included Pickup Group Names, ensure that the Priority always starts at 1. When more than one included group exists, the group with Priority 1 has the highest the priority of answering calls for the associated group. Integer values are added in order of priority.
    2. The associated Directory Name and Partition is automatically selected, based on the Call Pickup Group Name.
    3. Set any required Pickup Notification settings.
  11. On the Member Lines tab, click the + (Add) button next to Line to expose the Line section.

  12. Choose a Directory Number from the drop-down. The Route Partition Name is automatically selected, choose a different Route Partition if necessary. Call Pickup Group members will only be successfully added if their directory number exists in a valid route partition. Directory numbers in a ‘null’ route partition, appear as selectable members, but saving them results in an error.

  13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 to add more members to the Call Pickup Group.

  14. Click Save on the button bar when complete to save the Call Pickup Group.


If you are using partitions with the call pickup numbers, ensure that the directory numbers that are assigned to the call pickup group have a Calling Search Space that includes the appropriate partitions. We recommend using CU{macro}-PreISR-PT partition for the call pickup groups added at the customer hierarchy.

The selected Call Pickup Groups drop-down lists the call pickup groups created at the customer and the site level. Select the required call pickup group from both the customer and the site level.

Adding a Call Pickup Group at customer level with members across child sites, succeeds without error, and the configuration is pushed to the associated Unified CM. However, when viewing the Call Pickup Group configuration after it was added, the added members will not be seen. Added members are only seen if the Call Pickup Group and its members are at the same hierarchy level.

Verify the individual Member Line association with the Call Pickup Groups by navigating to Subscriber Management > Lines. The Call Pickup Group under Lines displays associated Call Pickup Group.