String Functions

  • fn.index : Return the i’th item of an iterable, such as a list or string.
  • fn.mask : Return a mask of (length + modifier) instances of char.
  • fn.length : Return the length of a string.
  • fn.split : Split a string by delimiter, returning a list.
  • fn.join : Join a string by delimiter. If no delimiter is provided, the list is returned as a single string.
  • fn.title : Return a string in title case.
  • fn.upper : Return an uppercase version of the input string.
  • fn.lower : Return a lower case version of the input string.
  • fn.contains : Return true or false if string is contained in another.
  • fn.sub_string : Return the substring of a string from a start to an end position.
  • fn.containsIgnoreCase : Return true or false if string is contained in upper- or lower case.
  • fn.containsStartsWith : Return true or false if source string is the start of target string.
  • fn.containsStartOf : Return true or false if start of source string is target string.
  • fn.isexactly : Return true or false if source string is exactly the same as target string.
  • fn.replace : Replace target substring for source substring in source string.
  • fn.validate_name : Return true or false if the string as well as its stripped content (default white space removed) exists, i.e. is then more than 0 characters.


Example Output
{{ fn.index 'foo bar baz', 5 }}
{{ fn.mask X, 2, 3 }}
{{ fn.length This is a valid string }}
{# fn.split foo:bar:baz,: #}
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
{{ fn.join 1234, : }}

{{ fn.join 1234 }}

{{ fn.title 'foo bar baz' }}
'Foo Bar Baz'
{{ fn.upper somevalue }}
Example Output
{{ fn.lower SOMEVALUE }}
{{ fn.contains needle, haystack }}

{{ fn.contains hay, haystack }}

(( fn.contains Kit, 1234 Kit Creek == True ))


{{ fn.sub_string haystack, 0, 2 }}

{{ fn.sub_string haystack, 7, 7 }}

{{ fn.containsIgnoreCase aaa, bbbaAaccc }}
{{ fn.containsStartsWith aaa, aaaffccffdd }}
{{ fn.containsStartOf ffnnccgg, ffnn }}
{{ fn.isexactly source1, source1 }}

Note: no spaces between commas.

{{ fn.replace dddddAAAc,AAA,FFF }}
{{ fn.validate_name }}

{{ fn.validate_name a }}

  • fn.fix_non_ascii : Given a string containing non-ASCII characters and a “from” and “to” characters parameter pair, return a string with “from” characters replaced with “to” characters. This allows for control over the replacement.

    3 steps are carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Map characters in the given string by using the corresponding characters in the “<from>,<to>” string parameter pair.
    2. Map all “accented” (accent, circumflex, diaeresis, etc.) non-ASCII characters to ASCII characters.
    3. Map all remaining non-ASCII characters with _.

    For example:

    • string = Ŧest Nón Asciï
    • <from>,<to> = ï,G
    • result = _est Non AsciG

    step 1: from = ï is replaced with to = G.

    step 2: accented ó is replaced with o

    step 3: Ŧ is a remaining non-ASCII character and replaced with _.

    Example Output
    {{ fn.fix_non_ascii 'Têst Nón Asciïæ mapping' ,,Ga }}
    {{ fn.fix_non_ascii 'Ŧest Nón Asciï' }}
    'TeGt Non AGciia mapping'
    '_est Non Ascii'
  • fn.fix_username : Given a string of characters, return the string with a replacement character: - for any character not in the following range: a-zA-Z0-9._-.

    A Unified CM Remote Destination name is an example where such a string is required.

    Example Output
    {{ fn.fix_username O'Reilly }}