Landing Page Definition

The landing page definition comprises the following:

  • Name - A landing page name.
  • Meta Tasks - Allows you to add one or more shortcut buttons at the top of the home page screen (directly below the line text - if configured).
  • Sections - One or more items displayed as a distinct block on the landing page. Sections are further broken down to:
    • Title - The heading given to the section.
    • Image URL - The image or icon that is displayed for a section. For example, if a theme was uploaded with landing page images and inside a sub folder of the theme folder is a file called mytheme/img/landingpage/landing1.png, then the URL would be: /www/themes/mytheme/img/landingpage/landing1.png.
    • links - One or more links for a section, described in the table below.

See also Landing Pages.

Meta Tasks / Links Field Description
Button Text (Meta Tasks section only) Text that is displayed in the task’s button.
Link Text (Links section only)

The text that is displayed as the link. If the link is displayed as Inline Form, then a field name from returned data type may be specified instead. This field is mutually exclusive with Columns.

Note that if the display is Inline List, then all displayed links show this text.


The Model Type that is displayed or targeted by the link. If this field is populated, then the Href field (below) should be blank.

For example, if Model Type is selected as data/User and the Display As option is List, then the menu link shows the list of instances of data/User.


API URL on which the client performs retrieves the link’s data from If this field is populated, then the Type field (above) should be blank.

An example API URL would be /api/relation/SubscriberPhone/ for a list of items of type relation/SubscriberPhone.

Field Display Policy

If specified, the Form URI is extended to apply the policy to the returned form.

For example, if Model Type is selected as data/User/add and Display As option is Form, then a Field Display Policy that is available for data/User can be selected to apply to the form in order to for example hide or rename input fields.

Configuration Template

If specified, the Form URI is extended to apply the template to the returned form.

For example, if Model Type is selected as data/User/add and Display As option is Form, then a Configuration Template that is available for data/User can be selected to apply to the form in order to, for example, provide default values.

Display As

Determines how the link is displayed. The options are:

  • Form - The link opens using a form widget.
  • Inline List - The link points to the first five list of items.
  • List - Link target is rendered using the list widget. The list can be filtered.
  • Tree - Display the link target using a tree widget.
  • Wizard - Display the link target as a wizard.
  • IFrame - Display the link target in an iFrame. Used for x-launch.

If the Inline List option is chosen, the Display Multiple Columns field is visible. The first five items are displayed in the section. If the list is longer than five items, a link to the whole list is displayed after the first five.

If List is chosen as the Display As type, then the resulting list can also be filtered. See: Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages.