Quick Add Subscriber Device Pool

A Device Pool contains system, device, and location-related information, and is mandatory when adding a Subscriber using Quick Add Subscriber. A Device Pool can be referenced by:

  • Site Defaults Doc (SDD)
  • Reference Configuration Template (CFT) referenced in the Quick Add Subscriber Group (QAG)
  • Admin GUI (if exposed)

Site Defaults Doc

The Device Pool referenced in the SDD makes sure that a Subscriber’s devices are always associated to a Device Pool. If there is no Device Pool referenced in either the QAG or Admin GUI drop-down (see below) the value defaults to the SDD.

Quick Add Subscriber Group (QAG)

The Device Pool referenced by a Configuration Template (CFT) in the QAG takes precedence over the Device Pool referenced in either the SDD or the Admin GUI drop-down (if exposed). See Quick Add Subscriber Group for details.

Admin GUI

An Administrator can expose a Device Pool drop-down on the QAS page on the Admin GUI by editing or cloning the Field Display Policy. See Expose Device Pools and Class of Service in Quick Add Subscriber. The Device Pool drop-down allows an Administrator to overwrite the value in the SDD by selecting a custom Device Pool from the drop-down list. The options available in the list are the site-level Device Pools if they are available, otherwise it displays all Device Pools available at Customer level (NDLR aware).


When exposing the Device Pool drop-down, the Administrator must remove the value in the Device Pool field of the CFT referenced in the QAG, that is, the field must be blank. This is done to make sure that the value in the CFT does not overwrite the custom value in the drop-down.

The CFTs and their target models for which the Device Pool name can be made blank to allow the GUI to drive the Device Pool selection include:

  • Phone templates (device/cucm/Phone)
  • Jabber device templates (device/cucm/Phone)
  • Remote Destination Profile templates (device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile)