Schedule Details

The system runs an internal schedule to generate monthly license reports. The schedule is configured to run at 3AM UTC on the first day of the month. The schedule cannot be disabled nor can the date be changed from the CLI. The time can however be changed. Please contact your VOSS account manager if a schedule time change is required, so that this can be done via support.

Manual Command Execution

In the event a manual run of the process is required (adhoc data, or schedule failure), the following commands can be run via the VOSS CLI:

voss export type license_initial_audit

Expected output example:

platform@VOSS:~$ voss export type license_initial_audit
Starting license_initial_audit export, please wait...
Completed license_initial_audit export, created,

voss export group license

Expected output example:

platform@VOSS:~$ voss export group license
Starting license group export consisting of license_initial_audit, please wait...
Starting license_initial_audit export, please wait...
Completed license_initial_audit export, created,
Completed license group export.