File Details

Whether generated via the schedule or via the voss export command in the CLI, the successful execution results in a set of files in the directory media/data_export/license.

The files are retained on the system for 2 years and the system will remove files older than 2 years automatically when new files are generated. The data is also stored locally in the database in the event of any issues with the files.

The details of the files created are:

  1. A CSV report file for partner reference that includes the customer details. This file is not required by VOSS and is for the partner’s internal use and view of the data.

    Filename format: vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_detailed_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.csv

  2. A ZIP file to be sent to VOSS for billing purposes. The filename is:


    The ZIP file contains a directory with contents as below.

    directory: <YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>_license

    1. A JSON file. Filename format: vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_license_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.json.

      • metadata attributes and values:

        • "datetime":"<timestamp>"
        • "export_identifier":"<UUID>"
        • "pipeline_type_name":"license_initial_audit".
      • a list of individual JSON objects if they contain data, for example:

        • License Subscriber Profile Data Export
        • License Standalone Phone Data Export
        • License Standalone WebEx Data Export
        • License Standalone Voicemail Data Export
        • License Contact Center Data Export
        • License Spark Hybrid Data Export

        If you need more details about the JSON file formats, contact VOSS.

    2. A CSV report file that is Customer anonymous, in other words, no identifying information such as Provider, Reseller, or Customer columns and no friendly hierarchy path names.

      Filename format: vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_anonymous_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.csv.

      For detailed view of the file format and contents, see: License Anonymous Customer Aggregate Data Export.

    3. Hash files (<filename>.hash) of the JSON and CSV files, used to verify the integrity of the files.

      Filename formats:

      • vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_license_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.json.hash
      • vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_anonymous_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.csv.hash