Backup Size Considerations¶
The default backup partition size is 50GB for the default 250GB database partition size. These are the default partition installation sizes. It is recommended that a 250GB backup partition size be used if the database size is 50GB.
To determine the required space for a specific backup partition, carry out and consider the following:
- Run backup create <name> from the CLI. The command output indicates the required space needed to do the backup and the command can be canceled to cancel the actual backup, if needed. If the current backup partition size is too small, the command will fail and suggest the size of the partition required. If there is sufficient space but only a size check is required, the backup command can be canceled (Ctrl-C), if needed.
- Run voss db_collection_stats all to show the size of the current database. This command validates the size of the database. This total will be smaller than the suggested backup backup size.
- A local backup requires a partition of at lease twice the size of the database. Preferably add another +30% of this. For remote backups, the size should be a partition of the size of the database plus an additional 30% of this.
- Database growth over time needs to be considered and allowed for in the backup partition size.
- Space for multiple local backups also needs to be considered and added to the calculated backup partition size.