Northbound Notification

The VOSS-4-UC Northbound Notification (NBN) provides a mechanism to notify an Operations Support System (OSS) or Business Support System (BSS) when user data in VOSS-4-UC is created, updated, or deleted. The Northbound Notifications can be customized to specify which events trigger notification and the destination of notifications.

The supported model types are:

Essential user information. Changes occur either from LDAP sync or manually in VOSS-4-UC.
Subscriber information, such as assigned devices and services. Only changes made in VOSS-4-UC via Subscriber Management generate notifications. Changes to subscribers made in VOSS-4-UC do not generate notifications.

All NBN events are post-execution so the notification is sent immediately after the data is changed in VOSS-4-UC.


Failing changes to user data result in a pair of notifications, one for the attempted change and an opposite one for the rollback of the change. For example, a failing user add generates a create notification and a delete notification.

To suspend notifications for a given model type and operation, mark the event as ‘inactive’ and notifications will neither be sent nor stored while the event is inactive. Once the event is marked as ‘active’, subsequent notifications will be sent.