HCS Dial Plan Type Considerations for GDPR
- Type 1 Dial Plans have been identified as being
problematic due to the required handling of ISP prefixing.
As HcsDefaultAddCustomerSchema is shared for all Dial Plan
Types in the current design, Type 1’s ISP requirements have
the potential for caveated behaviour, but has not been sufficiently
explored at present. It’s suggested that ISPs are included in GDPR
patterns, but this introduced the need for Translation Patterns to
strip the ISP inbound to the remote leaf. Caller ID ISP prefixing should
also be considered. Supporting Type 1 Dial Plans requires non-trivial
schema extensions and further testing.
- Type 2 and Type 3 Dial Plans are the easiest to support and should
not require any Enterprise Number Called or Calling Party masking.
- Type 4 Dial Plans raise concerns over the feasible handling of
between-cluster discontiguous numbering. Admittedly, this is a corner case only.
Overbuild Dial Plans
- Overbuild multi-cluster dial plans have not been formally tested,
but are considered a low-risk area due to extensive use in the field.
Call Aggregation
- Call aggregation is recommended using SME for connecting three or more leafs.
SME can be used in conjunction with ILS/GDPR to provide a global dial plan for
Enterprise, Forced Onnet, Centralized Services, Offnet calling etc.
- For a sample set of ILS/GDPR Model Loaders, please contact your VOSS-4-UC Account Team.