Modify Site Defaults

Site defaults provide the default values for many tasks undertaken while onboarding, and are not limited to the Subscriber Management tasks. When a site is created, a site defaults instance is created on that site with the same name as the site. Many of the attributes in this data model contain default values when this instance is created. [1]

The Site Defaults Doc is particularly useful when managing multi-site, multi-country customers. It allows a Provider Administrator or higher to set geo-specific information at a site level to allow multi-national sites to stay in sync. Geo-specific information includes CUCM user-locale and network-locale defaults as well as the CUC timezone and language defaults.

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Choose Site Management > Defaults.

  3. Click the site that you want to modify defaults for.

  4. From the General Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required:

    Option Default Value

    Site name

    This field is mandatory. It should be the same name as the site. Only one instance of site defaults exists for a site.

    Default CUCM Device Pool Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-DevicePool
    Default CUCM Location Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Location
    Default CUCM Region Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Region
    Default CUCM Date/Time Group CMLocal [2]
    Default User Locale The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users at the specific location, including language and font. Choose the required user locale from the drop-down list, which contains all user locales available on the CUCM at the selected location.
    Default Network Locale The network locale contains a definition of the tones and cadences that the phones and gateways use at the specific location. Choose the required network locale from the drop-down list, which contains all network locales available on the CUCM at the selected location.
    Default User Profile (for User Self Provisioning) Choose from the drop-down list.
    Default CUCM Hunt Pilot Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
    Default CUCM Call Pickup Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
    Default CUCM Call Park Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
    Default CUCM MeetMe Partition Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-Feature-PT
    Default CUCM Group Default value: Default
  5. From the Device Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required. These default values are applied to the configuration template associated with adding a subscriber (SubcriberPhonePrePopulate).

    Option Default Value
    Default CUCM Phone Product Cisco 9971
    Default CUCM Phone Protocol SIP
    Default CUCM Phone Button Template Standard 9971 SIP
    Default CUCM Phone Security Profile Cisco 9971 - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile
    Default CUCM Phone Softkey Template Standard User
    Default CUCM Phone SIP Profile Standard SIP Profile
    Default CUCM Phone Presence Group Standard Presence Group
    Default CUCM Phone Common Profile Standard Common Phone Profile
    Default CUCM Phone Line E164 Mask Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
    Default CUCM Device CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-{countryIsoCode}- DP-Emer-CSS
    Default CUCM User Subscribe CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Phone Subscribe CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-InternalOnly-CSS
    Default CUCM Device Profile Product Cisco 9971
    Default CUCM Device Profile Protocol SIP
    Default CUCM Device Profile Button Template Standard 9971 SIP
    Option Default Value
    Default CUCM Device Profile Line E164 Mask None. Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
    Default CUCM Device Profile EMCC CSS None
    Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile CSS None
    Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile ReRouting CSS None
    Default CUCM Remote Destination Profile Line E164 Mask None. Enter a E164 mask value that will be applied as a default when devices have not been configured with static values.
    Use National Mask Format

    When this check box is selected, the E164 Mask will use the National format of the associated E164 Number.

    For example, if the E164 Number has been added in the format +44 1234 5000, and this check box is selected, the E164 Mask on the device will have the International Dialing Code prefix removed e.g. +44, and a ‘0’ will be prefixed to the number e.g. 012345000.


    For Quick Add Subscriber, set the following value in the E164 Mask field of the relevant phone, device profile and remote destination profile configuration template {{ macro.SDD_QAS_E164Number_MCR }}. See the “Reference CUCM Phone Template” CFT for an example configuration.

  6. From the Line Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required. These default values are applied to the configuration template associated with adding a line (line-cft).

    Option Default Value
    Default CUCM Line BLF Presence Group Standard Presence Group
    Default CUCM Line Voicemail Profile None
    Default CUCM Line Partition  
    Default CUCM Line Alternate E164 Partition None
    Default CUCM Line CSS Cu{CustomerId}Si{SiteId}-InternalOnly-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward All CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Answer Internal CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy CSS Internal-CSS
    Option Default Value
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward Busy Internal CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward No Coverage Internal CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward On Failure Internal CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward Not Registered CSS Internal-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward Alternate Party CSS CU1-DummyBlk-CSS
    Default CUCM Line Call Forward Secondary CSS Internal-CSS
  7. From the User Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required:

    Option Default Value
    Default System User Role {SiteName}SelfService
    Default CUCM User BLF Presence Group Standard Presence group
    Default CUCM Service Profile None
    Default Self-service Language Choose from the drop-down list of installed Self-service languages. Default is English (en-us).
  8. From the CUC Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required:

    Option Default Value
    Default CUC Phone System This field is populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
    Default CUC Subscriber Template This field is populated by the Voice Mail workflow when a Voice Mail pilot number is associated with a site. Likewise, the field is reset (Empty) when the Voice Mail pilot number is disassociated from a site.
    Default CUC HTML Notification Template Default_Dynamic_Icons
    Default CUC SMPP Provider None
    Default CUC TimeZone

    None. Choose from the drop-down list, for example: GMT-05:00-America-New_York. The timezones available in this drop-down are those added in Services > CUC Localization > CUC TimeZone Filters (see cross reference below).

    You can also manually enter a valid timezone index value in this field, for example 035 for (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada). Note that the code entered must already be installed on the CUC server associated to this site.

    Default CUC Language

    None. Choose from the drop-down list, for example: English-US. The languages available in this drop-down are those in Services > CUC Localization > CUC Language Filters (see cross reference below).

    You can also manually enter a valid Locale ID (LCID) value for the language in this field, for example 1036 for French - France. Note that the code entered must already be installed on the CUC server associated to this site.

    See Cisco Unity Connection Localization for more details if required.

  9. From the HotDial Defaults tab, click the following fields to modify their default values as required:

    Option Default Value
    Default PLAR CSS None
    Default HotDial TimeZone None
  10. For information on the Overbuild Defaults tab (visible to provider and reseller administrators), see Overbuild Site Defaults: Overview.

  11. Click Save to save the modified site defaults.

[1]For Provider deployments, when a Cisco HCS site dial plan is created, the site defaults on that site are updated. The updated defaults are dial plan-related attributes that are affected by the site dial plan that was deployed. If these specific site defaults attributes already had values before the site dial plan was deployed, they are overwritten. When the site dial plan is removed, these same attributes are reset (set to empty string) in the site defaults.
[2]For Provider deployments, choose from the drop-down list.