Scale and Performance

This section details the supported configurations and corresponding scale, as well as Geo-Redundancy and Round Trip Time (RTT) requirements.

Configuration Number of Unified Nodes Number of Web Proxy Nodes Supported Scale (# Subscribers) Geo-Redundancy (Y/N)
Standalone VOSS-4-UC 1 0 50,000 NA

Multi-Node VOSS-4-UC

Across Data Centers

4 2 500,000



If RTT <= 10ms

  6 2 500,000



Multi-Node VOSS-4-UC

One Data Center

4 2 500,000 No

The supported configurations and scale are based on a standard profile for each subscriber, which includes the following:

  • Two endpoints (physical phone and soft client) per subscriber.
  • Voice Mail
  • Extension Mobility (EM)
  • Single Number Reach (SNR)
  • IM and Presence

The scale limits are not enforced by the system, but exceeding the limits can result in significant performance degradation.

Below follows notes on the difference between Active and Standby nodes, to clarify the Geo-Redundancy options.

  • A Unified Node that can process transactions is termed as an Active Unified Node.
  • The Standby Unified Node is powered on and running the VOSS-4-UC software, but cannot process transactions.

For RTT across different UC components, this should not exceed 400ms. RTT will impact the duration of a transaction, but only for the remote leg, in other words, performing an action on the remote device.