Filter Parameters for Choices

For the context in which the filter parameter are used, refer to the Choices topic on the /choices/ endpoint.


GET http://<server_address>/api/<resource_type>/<resource_name>/choices/

Response data of the /choices/ endpoint without filter parameters is a list of value-title pairs of the business keys. This can be modified with filter parameters.

Example without <filter_parameters>:

  • Request

    GET http://<server_address>/api/data/Countries/choices/
  • Response

    HTTP 200 OK
    Vary: Accept
    X-Request-ID: 9bcd77b4cd27dccd0f18a1d8d22e7ddab85aa848
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
        pagination : {
            direction :  asc,
            maximum_limit :  2000,
            skip :  0,
            limit :  0,
            total_limit :  ,
            total :  37
        meta : {
            query :  /api/data/Countries/choices/,
            references : [
                   pkid :  5a16c3c68963f91b84baf357,
                   href :  /api/data/Countries/5a16c3c68963f91b84baf357/
        choices : [
                value :  ["Australia", "AUS", "hcs"],
                title :  ["Australia", "AUS", "hcs"]

Filter parameters available to modify the response:

  • field: specifies the field in the business key to return as title and value, for example adding the parameter below


    would return:

    choices : [
            value :  ["AUS"],
            title :  ["AUS"]
  • choice_title: specifies the field of the business key to be the title value, for example adding the parameter below


    would return:

    choices : [
            value :  ["AUS"],
            title :  ["Australia"]
  • title: specifies the value of the field parameter to filter on, for example adding the parameter below


    would return:

    choices : [
            value :  ["BHR"],
            title :  ["Bahrain"]

Note that the title parameter matches on the start of the value.

For an exact match, the &filter_condition=equals parameter can be added, for example:


returns no value:

choices  []

Without filter_condition=equals, in other words, with just:



choices": [
{"value": "NLD", "title": "Netherlands"},
{"value": "NZL", "title": "New Zealand"},]