
Model: view/MoveSubscriberVIEW

Model Details

Title Description Details
User Name of individual user who will be moved.
  • Field Name: one_username
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Move From Hierarchy The name of the hierarchy node from which the user will be moved if the conditions are satisfied.
  • Field Name: move_from_hn
  • Type: String
Move To Hierarchy The name of the hierarchy node to which the user will be moved if the conditions are satisfied.
  • Field Name: move_to_hn
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Role at new site The user role to use at the new site
  • Field Name: move_to_role
  • Type: String
User Authentication Default: keepConfig
  • Field Name: AuthenticationPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: keepConfig
  • Choices: ["Keep Current Settings", "Use Destination SDD Defaults"]
CUCM User Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: CUCMUserPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
CUCM User CFT The Configuration Template to apply during CUCM User move.
  • Field Name: CUCMUserCFT
  • Type: String
Lines Replace Default: existLines
  • Field Name: linesMove
  • Type: String
  • Default: existLines
  • Choices: ["Keep existing lines", "Choose new lines"]
  • Field Name: lines.[n]
  • Type: Array
Directory Number
  • Field Name: lines.[n].directory_number
  • Type: String
Line Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: linePolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Line CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Line move.
  • Field Name: lineCFT
  • Type: String
Line Partition The Configuration Template to apply during Line move.
  • Field Name: lineRP
  • Type: String
Phone Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: PhonePolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Phone CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Phone move.
  • Field Name: PhoneCFT
  • Type: String
Mobile Identity Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: MIPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Phone Mobile Identity CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Mobile Identity move.
  • Field Name: MICFT
  • Type: String
Phone Remote Destination Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: PhoneRDPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Phone Remote Destination CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Phone Remote Destination move.
  • Field Name: PhoneRDCFT
  • Type: String
Device Profile Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: DPPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Device Profile CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Device Profile move.
  • Field Name: DPCFT
  • Type: String
Remote Destination Profile Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: RDPPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Remote Destination Profile CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Remote Destination Profile move.
  • Field Name: RDPCFT
  • Type: String
Remote Destination Move Policy Default: sddConfig
  • Field Name: RDPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Default: sddConfig
  • Choices: ["Use Destination SDD Defaults", "Use CFT and Destination SDD Defaults"]
Remote Destination CFT The Configuration Template to apply during Remote Destination move.
  • Field Name: RDCFT
  • Type: String
CUC User Found Hidden field used to show/hide CUC checkbox.
  • Field Name: cuc_present
  • Type: String
WebEx User Found Hidden field used to show/hide WebEx checkbox.
  • Field Name: webex_present
  • Type: String
LDAP User Found Hidden field used to show/hide LDAP checkbox.
  • Field Name: ldap_present
  • Type: String
Move CUC Voicemail User Include CUC Voicemail.
  • Field Name: move_cuc
  • Type: Boolean
Move WebEx User Include WebEx Voicemail.
  • Field Name: move_webex
  • Type: Boolean
Move LDAP User Include data/ldap
  • Field Name: move_ldap
  • Type: Boolean
API reference for view/MoveSubscriberVIEW