
Model: view/MenuTool

Tool to manage menus.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Menu Tool Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Menu Tool
  • Type: Object
Default: Menu Tool
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.description
  • Type: String
  • Default: Menu Tool
Default: This view allows you to merge menu items from one menu to another.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.notes
  • Type: String
  • Default: This view allows you to merge menu items from one menu to another.
Hierarchy level Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.hierarchy_level
  • Type: String
  • Default: {{ fn.hierarchy_friendly_path }}
Menu Operation Menu Operation
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.menu_operation
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Create Snippet", "Merge"]
Menu Placement Menu Operation Default: after
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.menu_placement
  • Type: String
  • Default: after
  • Choices: ["After", "Before"]
Source Menu The menu that will be merged or updated from.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.source_menu
  • Type: String
Source Menu List
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.source_menu_list
  • Type: String
Target Menu The menu that will be updated or merged into.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.target_menu
  • Type: String
Target Menu List
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.target_menu_list
  • Type: String
Backup Menu When selected a backup of the target menu will be made.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.backup
  • Type: Boolean
New Menu Create a new menu with a custom name.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.new
  • Type: Boolean
New Menu Name Name of the menu to create.
  • Field Name: Menu Tool.new_menu_name
  • Type: String
API reference for view/MenuTool