
Model: device/cucm/GeoLocationPolicy

Model Details

Title Description Details
House Number Suffix
  • Field Name: houseNumberSuffix
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 100
Name *
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
  • Field Name: district
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
  • Field Name: floor
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 16
  • Field Name: country
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
City Division
  • Field Name: cityDivision
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
Trailing Street Suffix
  • Field Name: trailingStreetSuffix
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Occupant Name
  • Field Name: occupantName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
Postal Code
  • Field Name: postalCode
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 100
Street Suffix
  • Field Name: streetSuffix
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
  • Field Name: street
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
House Number
  • Field Name: houseNumber
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 10
  • Pattern: ^[0-9]{0,10}$
  • Field Name: location
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
National Sub Division
  • Field Name: nationalSubDivision
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 100
  • Field Name: landmark
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
Related Policies
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
Related Policy
  • Field Name: relatedPolicy.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Cardinality: [1..n]
Geo Location Device B *
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies.relatedPolicy.[n].geoLocationDeviceB
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Choices: ["Border", "Interior"]
Geo Location Policy B Name *
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies.relatedPolicy.[n].geoLocationPolicyBName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Geo Location Device A *
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies.relatedPolicy.[n].geoLocationDeviceA
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Choices: ["Border", "Interior"]
Logical Partition Policy *
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies.relatedPolicy.[n].logicalPartitionPolicy
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Choices: ["Use Default Policy", "Allow", "Deny"]
Geo Location Policy A Name * This is a read only tag. The value will be the currently added GeoLocationPolicy pkid.
  • Field Name: relatedPolicies.relatedPolicy.[n].geoLocationPolicyAName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Leading Street Direction
  • Field Name: leadingStreetDirection
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
  • Field Name: neighbourhood
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
Community Name
  • Field Name: communityName
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 255
API reference for device/cucm/GeoLocationPolicy