
Model: data/ucprep_appusers

UC Prep Application User List

Call Manager Application Users Reference

Field Name Description
Application Users Mechanism for adding an unlimited number if application users to a Call Manager.
User ID The Application User ID. This drop-down is driven from the UCPrep Application User List in the menu. The idea behind this is to cut down on AppUser misspelling.
Password Password for the application user
Repeat Password Confirmation of entered password.
Controlled Devices Drop-down that provides a list of configured devices on Call Manager should an association be necessary.
CTI Controlled Device Profiles Drop-down that provides a list of configured device profiles on Call Manager should an association be necessary.
Group Permissions Drop-down that provides the ability to build group permissions for the application user. The drop-downs will provide all configured groups from the Call Manager.

List of commonly use application users

Model Details

Title Description Details
Username Common Username
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
API reference for data/ucprep_appusers