
Model: data/LineConfigMapping

Device Profile Configuration Mapping

Phone, device, and line configuration mappings allow a higher level administrator, e.g. BAP Administrator to better manage and control the lists of items available for selection on the GUI, as well as the ability to define the settings and templates used for each item.

Phone Configuration Mapping

The Phone and Device Profile mappings serve a number of purposes. These allow a higher level administrator to:


The name of a Phone Configuration Mapping at any hierarchy should always be Default.

Phone Profiles

These mapping profiles define a list of phone types that can be selected along with:

The Profile Name is what will be presented in dropdowns to the lower level administrator inside the Business Admin Portal.

For example, if the administrator selects "Default (6901)", then the phone will be provisioned as a Cisco 6691 SIP device with Standard 6901 SIP button template and the Cisco 6901 - Standard SIP Non-Secure Profile security profile. Additionally, all configuration captured in Basic Phone CFT will also be used.

Feature Templates

The "Feature Templates" section of the Phone and Device Profile config mapping allows a higher level administrator to configure a list of feature templates. These will be presented to the BAP administrator user for selection when adding a Phone or Extension Mobility and will contain configuration settings that is applied on top of the settings mentioned above.

Configuration Template Input Contexts

The following context macro variables are available when defining configuration templates for the phone mappings above.

Macro Description
{{ input.standalone }} Flag whether it is a standalone phone or being associated with a Subscriber.
{{ input.username }} Username of the Subscriber the phone is being associated with. Only when standalone is false.
{{ input.device_type }} The user selected device type. This in fact is the Phone mapping profile name.
{{ input.template_name }} The user selected feature template.
{{ input.name }} The user entered phone name.
{# input.lines #} The user entered list of lines.
{{ input.lines.0.directory_number }} The number of the first line.
{{ input.lines.0.template_name }} The user selected Line template.
{{ input.lines.0.label }} The user entered line label.
{{ input.lines.0.display }} The user entered line display.
{{ pwf.user }} Object containing all UCM user settings of the associated subscriber. Only when standalone is false.

Device Profile Configuration Mapping

The setup for Device Profile configuration mapping is identical to that for Phone Configuration Mappings.

The phone type list and feature templates are presented to the BAP administrator when adding an Extension Mobility service on the Subscriber management dashboard.

Line Templates

A list of line templates can be configured and these will be presented to the BAP administrator when new lines are be created, for example when adding a new phone.

Stores default Line Configuration Mappings.

Model Details

Title Description Details
Name * Name of the Line Configuration Mapping. Default: Default
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Default: Default
Line Templates List of line configuration templates. These template definitions will be available to users creating or managing phones.
  • Field Name: line_templates.[n]
  • Type: Array
Template Name * Name to be used for this line template. This is what will be displayed in dropdowns.
  • Field Name: line_templates.[n].template_name
  • Type: String
Configuration Template * Configuration template to use when provisioning lines when selected by the user.
  • Field Name: line_templates.[n].config_template
  • Type: String
API reference for data/LineConfigMapping